RL-1018 | 1/05 | Generation of the Subsurface Geothermal Climate Signal by Land Surface Processes in the North American Mid-Continent | England, Pollack |
RL-1017 | 11/07 | Evaluation of DIELCOM: Numerical Solution of the Rayleigh Approximation to a Dielectric Body of Revolution | De Roo |
RL-1016 | 11/07 | A Model-Based Microwave Brightness Algorithm for Estimating Snow Wetness | England |
RL-1015 | 7/06 | The Subsurface Geothermal Climate Signal in the Context of LSP/Radiobrightness Model-Based Estimates of Land-Atmosphere Energy and Moisture Fluxes for Regions of the Circumpolar Arctic | England, Pollack |
RL-1014 | 6/06 | Active Layer Thickness and Moisture Content of Arctic Tundra From SVAT/Radiobrightness Models and Assimilated 1.4 or 6.9 GHz Brightness | England, De Roo |
RL-1014 | 6/06 | Active Layer Thickness and Moisture Content of Arctic Tundra From SVAT/Radiobrightness Models and Assimilated 1.4 or 6.9 GHz Brightness | England, De Roo |
RL-1013 | 1/06 | Electromagnetic Characteristics of a Pendular Ring of Water as Found in a Moist Snow Pack | Weininger, England, De Roo |
RL-1012 | 4/03 | Construction of a High-PRF Pulsed Ku-Band Radar for Measurements of Sea Slopes | Sarabandi, Hartz, Kothner |
RL-1011 | 1/05 | Preparation for Radiometric Measurements of Snow Covered Terrain at the Fraser Forest Site of CLPX | De Roo, England |
RL-1010 | 12/02 | Monitoring and Forecasting Attributes of Land Surface Hydrology That Are Relevant for Characterizing a Potential Battlefield | England, De Roo |
RL-1009 | 2002 | Design and Analysis of RFIC Subharmonic Double Balanced Mixers for Direct Conversion Applications | Nimmagadda |
RL-1008 | 9/02 | A Critical Study of the Circuit Relations of Two Distant Antennas | Tai |
RL-1007 | 5/01 | FEBI Users and Theory Manual | Syed, Volakis |
RL-1006 | 6/02 | Design of an Ultra-Fast Wide-Band MMW Polarimetric Instrumentation Radar | Nashashibi, Sarabandi, Frantzis, De Roo, Ulaby |
RL-1005 | 5/03 | Polarimetric Ground Microwave Measurements of Snow-Covered Terrain at L-Band and Ku-Band in Support of the NASA Cold Land Processes Mission (EX-7) | Saint-Martin, Sarabandi |
RL-1004 | 9/01 | Antenna Simulations on Ships for AMRFS Applications | Topsakal, Kindt, Sertel, Volakis |
RL-1003 | 10/01 | AMFIA V1.0 User’s Manual | Topsakal, Volakis |
RL-1002 | | One-Dimensional Backward Scattering Theorem | Tai |
RL-1001 | 1/02 | Backward Scattering Theorem Applying to a Perfectly Conducting Sphere | Tai |
RL-1000 | 11/01 | The Backward Scattering Theorem for Perfectly Conducting Obstacles | Tai |
RL-999 | 9/01 | A Scattering Theory of Receiving Antennas | Tai |
RL-998 | 7/10/01 | Generation of the Subsurface Geothermal Climate Signal by Land Surface Processes in the North American Mid-Continent | Lin, Smerdon, Pollack, England |
RL-997 | 3/14/01 | Development and Test of a 1.4 GHz Direct-Sampling Digital Radiometer for STAR and Fully Polarimetric Radiometry | Fischman, England |
RL-996 | 9/98 | Digital Topography From SAR Interferometry: Determination of and Correction for Vegetation Height | Sarabandi |
RL-995 | Sep-99 | THESIS, Land Surface Process and Radio Brightness Modeling of the Great Plains | Judge |
RL-994 | Aug-99 | THESIS, Mobile Digital Communications Using Phase Conjugating Arrays | DiDomenico |
RL-993 | Nov-99 | Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics | Volakis |
RL-992 | Oct-99 | THESIS, Multi-Resolution Methods for Simulation and Design of Antennas | Andersen |
RL-991 | Aug-99 | THESIS, Distributed MEMS Transmission Lines | Barker |
RL-990 | Oct-99 | Development and Test of a 1.4 GHz Direct-Sampling Digital Radiometer for STAR and Fully Polarimetric Radiometry | Fischman, England |
RL-989 | Sep-99 | A Modification of an Old Chinese Musical Scale and Its Comparison with Chu’s Equal Tempered Scale | Tai |
RL-988 | Jun-99 | Multi-Frequency, Multi-Polarization External Calibration of SIR-C/XSAR | Sarabandi |
RL-987 | | | |
RL-986 | | | |
RL-985 | 1988 | Discontinuity Characterization in Shielded Microstrip: A Theoretical and Experimental Study | Dunleavy |
RL-984 | 1989 | A General Polarimetric Calibration Technique | Whitt, Ulaby |
RL-983 | 1989 | Derivation and Application of a Class of Generalized Boundary Conditions – II | Volakis, Senior, Jin |
RL-982 | 1989 | Scattering from Variable Resistive and Impedance Sheets | Sarabandi |
RL-981 | 1989 | Millimeter Wave Scattering Model for a Leaf | Sarabandi, Ulaby, Senior |
RL-980 | | | |
RL-979 | | | |
RL-978 | | | |
RL-977 | 1999 | Design and Evaluation of an 18 Cavity Backed Slot Spiral for UHF to L band Operation | Nurnberger, Volakis |
RL-976 | 1999 | Users Manual for FMM-SWITCH | Sertel, Volakis |
RL-975 | 1999 | Fast Hybrid PO-MM Analysis of Large Axi-Symmetric Radomes | Shen, Abdelmoneum, Volakis |
RL-974 | 1999 | Field Data Report for the Fourth Radiobrightness Energy Balance Experiment (REBEX-4) | Judge, England |
RL-973 | 1999 | THESIS: MMIC Passive and Active Structures | Papapolymerou |
RL-972 | 1999 | THESIS: Remote Sensing of Land Surface Conditions in Arctic Tundra Regions for Climatological Applications Using Microwave Radiometry | Kim |
RL-971 | 1999 | THESIS: Time Domain Characterization of Microwave Circuits | Goverdhanam |
RL-970 | 1999 | THESIS: Silicon-Based Micromachined Packaging Techniques for High Frequency Applications | Henderson |
RL-969 | 1998 | Acoustic Scattering From Elastic Circular Cylinders: A Directed Study | Shumpert |
RL-968 | 1998 | Micro-Meteorological Theory and Instrumentation for Land Surface Process Modeling | |
RL-967 | 1992 | THESIS: Design and Analysis of a Four-Wire Antenna for Anechoic Chamber Illumination | Cheon |
RL-966 | 1991 | THESIS: Microwave Scattering from Periodic Row-Structured Vegetation | Witt |
RL-965 | 1998 | THESIS: Millimeter-Wave Polarimetric Radar System as an Advanced Vehicle Control and Warning Sensor | Li |
RL-964 | 1998 | Field Data Report for the Fifth Radiobrightness Energy Balance Experiment (REBEX-5) | Judge, England, Hornbuckle, Boprie, O’Kray, Kim |
RL-963 | 1998 | THESIS: Optimal Phased Array Pattern Synthesis for Non-Invasive Cancer Ablation of Liver Tumors Using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound | Botros |
RL-962 | 1998 | THESIS: Time-Domain Numerical Techniques for the Analysis and Design of Microwave Circuits | Tentzeris |
RL-961 | 1998 | THESIS: Electromagnetic Scattering From Rough Surfaces Covered with Short Branching Vegetation | Chiu |
RL-960 | 1998 | TDR to EASE-Grid Conversion Process Documentation | O’Kray |
RL-959 | 1998 | THESIS: Theoretical Modeling of MMIC’s Using Wavelets, Parallel Computing and a Hybrid MOM/FEM Technique | Cheng |
RL-958 | Mar-98 | THESIS: Finite Element Analysis of Conformal Antennas | Ozdemir |
RL-957 | Feb-97 | Second Quarterly Report: Power Cube: DARPA ReviewREPORT NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION. RL NUMBER ASSIGNED FOR REFERENCE ONLY | Katehi |
RL-956 | Dec-96 | Quarterly Report: Power Cube First Design MeetingREPORT NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION. RL NUMBER ASSIGNED FOR REFERENCE ONLY | Katehi |
RL-955 | Jul-97 | Third Quarterly Report: 94 GHz Power CubeREPORT NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION. RL NUMBER ASSIGNED FOR REFERENCE ONLY | Katehi |
RL-954 | Oct-97 | THESIS, A Fractal-Based Coherent Scattering and Propagation Model for Forest Canopies | Lin |
RL-953 | Oct-97 | Microwave and Millimeter-wave Propagation in Photonic Band-Gap Structures | Shumpert, Ellis, Rebeiz, Katehi |
RL-952 | 1997 | THESIS, Fast Memory-Saving Hybrid Algorithms for Electromagnetic Scattering and Radiation | Bindiganavale |
RL-951 | May-97 | THESIS, Electromagnetic Scattering From Jet Engine Inlets Using Analytical and Fast Integral Equation Methods | Anastassiu |
RL-950 | | X-Band Near-Field Measurement System | Lin |
RL-949 | Mar-97 | Investigation of the Tower Mounted Radiometer System and Proposed Improvements (EECS Directed Research Report) | Fischman |
RL-948 | Dec-96 | THESIS, Time-Frequency Analysis in Radar Backscatter | McCormack |
RL-947 | Jan-97 | THESIS, Micromachined W-Band Circuits | Robertson |
RL-946 | Jan-97 | Scattering Solutions for Slightly Rough Surfaces with Inhomogenous Dielectric Profiles | Chiu |
RL-945 | 30-Jul-97 | GPS Measurement for CIR-C/X-SAR and TOPSAR ForestTest Stands at Raco, Michigan Site | Kobayashi, Sarabandi, Dobson, Pierce, Yun |
RL-944 | 1996 | THESIS, Electromagnetic Modeling of High-Speed High-Frequency Interconnects | Yook |
RL-943 | 1987 | THESIS, Spectral Domain Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna Currents and Radiation | Willis |
RL-942 | 1996 | THESIS, Robust Development of Hybrid Finite Element Methods for Antenna and Microwave Circuit | Gong |
RL-941 | 1996 | THESIS, Wave Propagation and Scattering in Dense Random Media | Siqueira |
RL-940 | 1996 | THESIS, Land Surface Process/Radio Brightness Models for Northern Prairie | Liou |
RL-939 | 1991 | Spatial and Spectral Analyses of Remotely Sensed Images Using Scale-Space Techniques | Zuerndorfer |
RL-938 | 1996 | An Introduction to MULTICAL | Pacheco |
RL-937 | 1995 | THESIS, Analysis and Design of Dielectric-Lens Antennas and Planar Multiplier Circuits for Millimeter Wave Applications | Filipovic |
RL-936 | 1989 | THESIS, Electromagnetic Scattering From Vegetation Canopies | Sarabandi |
RL-935 | Mar-96 | THESIS, Hybrid Finite Element Modal Analysis for Jet Engine Inlet Scattering | Ross |
RL-934 | Mar-96 | Computation of Switching Noise in Printed Circuit Boards | Yook |
RL-933 | Jan-96 | THESIS, Theory and Measurement of Bistatic Scattering of X-Band Microwaves From Rough Dielectric Surfaces | De Roo |
RL-932 | 1996 | THESIS, Coherent Polarimetric Microwave Scattering Model for Grassland Structures and Canopies | Stiles |
RL-931 | Sep-95 | THESIS, Development and Characterization of Self-Packages Using Micromachining Technologies for High Frequency Circuit Application | Drayton |
RL-930 | Dec-95 | Circular Cylindrical Abrasing Terminations | Senior |
RL-929 | 1995 | Matched Planar Surfaces and Layers | Senior |
RL-928 | 1995 | THESIS, Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Propagations and Scattering in Dense Random Media Modeling and Experiments | Nashashibi |
RL-927 | Sep-95 | THESIS, Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow: An Empirical Theoretical Scattering Model for Dense Media | Kendra |
RL-926 | Sep-95 | THESIS, Microwave Radiometry of Snow-Covered Grasslands for Estimation of Land-Atmosphere Energy and Moisture Fluxes | Galantowicz |
RL-925 | Aug-95 | THESIS, Planar Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Components Using Micromachining Technologies | Chi |
RL-924 | Mar-95 | Handbook of Millimeter Wave Polarimetric Radar | Ulaby |
RL-923 | 1994 | THESIS, Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by Power-Law Surfaces | Austin |
RL-922 | 1993 | THESIS, Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Integrated Horn Antenna Schottky Receivers | Ali-Ahmad |
RL-921 | Jul-95 | THESIS, Microwave Circuit Electric Field Imaging Systems | Budka |
RL-920 | Jul-95 | THESIS, Micromachined High Frequency Transmission Lines on Thin Dieelectric Membranes | Weller |
RL-919 | Jul-95 | THESIS, Novel Efficient Integral-Based Techniques for Characterization of Planar Microwave Structures | Sabetfakhri |
RL-918 | Sep-94 | Radiobrightness Energy Balance Experiment – 3 | Kim |
RL-917 | Jul-93 | Radiobrightness Energy Balance Experiment – 2 | Kim |
RL-916 | Aug-92 | Radiobrightness Energy Balance Experiment – 0 | Kim |
RL-915 | May-95 | A Historical Study of Vector Analysis | Tai |
RL-914 | Apr-95 | THESIS, Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of CO2 Clathrate Hydrate with Applications to the Martian Northern Polar Region | Landry |
RL-913 | Feb-95 | Field Data Report for the First Radiobrightness Energy Balance Experiment (REBEX-1) October ’92 – April ’93, Sioux Falls, South Dakota | Galantowicz |
RL-912 | Feb-95 | Simultaneous Switching Noise in Printed Circuit Boards – Electromagnetic Modeling/Simulation | Yook, Chandramouli, Katehi, Sakallah |
RL-911 | Dec-94 | GIBCs for Homogeneous Dielectric Bodies | Senior |
RL-910 | Nov-94 | Vector Green Functions Versus Dyadic Green Function | Tai |
RL-909 | Nov-94 | Survey of Improper Uses of Delta in Vector Analysis | Tai |
RL-908 | | | |
RL-907 | 1994 | THESIS, Scattering and Radiation From Cylindrically Conformal Antennas | Kempel |
RL-906 | Apr-94 | THESIS, Investigation of Finite Element – ABC Methods for Electromagnetic Field Simulation | Chatterjee |
RL-905 | Apr-94 | THESIS, Subharmonic Mixing Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Receivers and Oscillating Slot Antennas for Quasi-Optical Power Combining | Kormanyos |
RL-903 | Jan-94 | Double Slot Antennas on Extended Silicon Lenses: General Treatment | Eleftheriades, Rebeiz |
RL-902 | Nov-93 | Vertical Distribution of Biomass and Moisture in a Prairie Grass Canopy | Dahl, Judge, Gallo, England |
RL-901 | Nov-93 | New Insights into Hertz’s Theory of Electromagnetism | Tai, Bryant |
RL-900 | Jul-93 | THESIS, An Integrated 94 GHz Monopulse Tracking Receiver | Ling |
RL-899 | Sep-93 | Modeling and Inversion of the Radar Response of Vegetation Canopies | Polatin |
RL-898 | Sep-93 | Simultaneous Switching Noise in Printed Circuit Boards | Katehi, Sakallah |
RL-897 | Aug-93 | Manual of the FEM-ATS Code Used for Computing Three-Dimensional Scattering (Preliminary) | Chatterjee, Volakis, Nurnberger |
RL-896 | Jun-93 | A Digest of Hertz’s Electromagnetism | Tai, Bryant |
RL-895 | May-93 | Computer Program for the Evaluation of the Propagation Characteristics of Lossy Microstrip Lines | VanDeventer, Katehi |
RL-894 | Jan-93 | THESIS, Full-Wave Characterization of High-Frequency Non-Planar Interconnects | Engel |
RL-893 | Mar-93 | Uniqueness criteria for GIBCs of odd and even orders | Senior |
RL-892 | Mar-93 | Diffraction by half plane junctions | Senior |
RL-891 | Mar-93 | Generalized boundary and transition conditions and the uniqueness of solution | Senior |
RL-890 | Jan-93 | THESIS, Analysis and Design of Integrated Circuit Horn Antennas for Millimeter and Submillimeter-Wave Applications | Eleftheriades |
RL-889 | Jun-91 | THESIS, High Frequency Characterization of Open Microstrip Discontinuities | Harokopus |
RL-888 | Jun-92 | THESIS, Characterization of Two-Dimensional High Frequency Microstrip and Dielectric Interconnects | Van Deventer |
RL-887 | Nov-92 | Electromagnetic Characterization of the Basal Plane Region in Sea Ice | Natzke, Senior |
RL-886 | Nov-92 | Theoretical Characterization of Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Lines and Discontinuities | Dib, Katehi |
RL-885 | Jul-92 | Babil (A Computer Program) | Katehi, Krauss |
RL-884 | Sep-92 | Waveguide: A Program for Equivalent Circuit Representation of Two-Dimensional Rectangular Waveguide Discontinuities | Herrick |
RL-883 | Jul-92 | Statistics of Terrain Emission at 35 and 94 GHZ | Ulaby, Austin |
RL-882 | Jun-92 | Technical Report on a Visit to The Radiation Laboratory at the University of Michigan | Rexberg |
RL-881 | May-92 | Micromachine Waveguides | Kim |
RL-880 | Jun-90 | Diffraction by a Material Junction | Senior |
RL-879 | Feb-92 | Evolution of… | Fang |
RL-878 | Apr-90 | Propagation of Electromagnetic Pulses Through Planar Stratified Media: A Finite Difference Approach | Barkeshli |
RL-877 | Aug-91 | THESIS, Full-Wave Analysis of Microstrip Slot Antennas and Couplers | VandenBerg, Katehi |
RL-876 | Mar-91 | Microwave Image Processing Lab | Pierce |
RL-875 | Jan-90 | Microwave Test Fixture Characterization De-Embedding Techniques Manual | Franklin |
RL-871 | Sep-91 | Complementary Reciprocity Theorems for Two-Port Networks and Transmission Lines | Tai |
RL-870 | Mar-90 | Self-Impedance of a Cavity Backed Slot Excited by a Stripline | VandenBerg, Katehi |
RL-869 | Sep-91 | New Insights into Hertz’s theory of Electromagnetics: Complementary Reciprocity Theorems in Electromagnetic Theory | Tai, Bryant |
RL-868 | Oct-89 | THESIS, Finite Element–Boundary Element Methods for Electromagnetic Scattering | Jin, Liepa, Volakis |
RL-867 | 1988 | Discontinuity Characterization in Shielded Microstrip: A Theoretical and Experimental Study | Dunleavy |
RL-867a | Jul-91 | Polarimetric Measurement of Powerline Cables | Sarabandi |
RL-866 | May-91 | A Unified Approach to Integral Formulations for Electromagnetic Scattering | Jin, Volakis |
RL-865 | Apr-89 | Characterization of Waveguide Longitudinal Slots Covered by a Dielectric Layer | Katehi |
RL-865a | Mar-91 | Microwave Image Processing Lab | Pierce |
RL-864 | Apr-89 | Theoretical Development and Numerical Implementation of a Domain-Boundary Integral Equation for Two-Dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering | Jin, Liepa |
RL-864a | Mar-91 | Microwave Test Fixture Characterization De-embedding Techniques Manual | Franklin |
RL-863a | Mar-89 | Scattering From Variable Resistive and Impedance Sheets | Sarabandi |
RL-863 | Jan-91 | Uniform Asymptotic Expansions | Senior |
RL-862 | Mar-89 | Derivation and Application of a Class of Generalized Boundary Conditions — II | Volakis, Jin, Senior |
RL-862a | Jun-90 | Approximate Boundary Conditions, Part II | Senior |
RL-861a | Feb-89 | A General Polarimetric Calibration Technique | Whitt, Ulaby |
RL-861 | Jun-90 | Approximate Boundary Conditions, Part I | Senior |
RL-860 | Dec-90 | Another Matter of History | Tai |
RL-859 | Dec-90 | Differential Operators in Vector Analysis and the Laplacian of a Vector in the Curvilinear Orthogonal System | Tai |
RL-858 | Jan-89 | A Method for Evaluating Mutual Coupling Between Dielectric Covered Slots Fed by a Boxed Stripline and Its Implementation into an Array Design Procedure | Katehi |
RL-857 | Dec-88 | Simple Integral Equations for Two-Dimensional Scattering with Further Reduction in Unknowns and Scattering Code User’s Manual | Ricoy, Kempel, Milberg, Volakis |
RL-856 | Jan-88 | A Review of MSC/Magnetic for Use in Electromagnetics Teaching | Craig, Volakis |
RL-855 | Sep-87 | Alternate Method for Deriving Green’s Functions in Layered Regions | Livernois |
RL-854 | Sep-85 | A Bandwidth Enhancement Method for Microstrip Antennas | Katehi |
RL-853 | Mar-88 | Skew Incidence on a Dielectric Half-Plane | Senior |
RL-852 | Mar-88 | Dyadic Green’s Function of a Coaxial Waveguide Filled with a Moving Medium | Jin, Tai |
RL-851 | Feb-88 | Synthesis of Resistive Tapers to Control Scattering Patterns of Strips | Haupt, Liepa |
RL-850 | Dec-87 | Experimental Measurement of the Scattering Patterns of Resistive Sheets | Haupt, Liepa |
RL-849 | Dec-87 | Resistive Tapers that Place Nulls in the Scattering Patterns of Strips | Haupt, Liepa |
RL-848 | Dec-87 | Effect of Curvature on the Backscattering from Leaves | Sarabandi, Ulaby, Senior |
RL-847 | Aug-87 | Computer Modeling of Microstrip Elements and Discontinuities | Harokopus, Katehi |
RL-846 | Aug-87 | Preliminary Results for Study of Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of Discontinuities in Shielded Microstrip | Dunleavy, Katehi |
RL-845 | Jul-87 | Applicability of Physical Optics Thin Plate Scattering Formulas for Remote Sensing | Willis, Weil, Levine |
RL-844 | Jul-87 | Effect of Curvature on the Backscattering from Leaves | Sarabandi, Senior |
RL-843 | Jun-87 | On a Numerical Wiener-Hopf Factorization Technique | Volakis |
RL-842 | Jun-87 | Dielectric-Covered Cavity-Backed Apertures | Katehi |
RL-841 | Jun-87 | The Green’s Function for a Slot on the Ground of a Dielectric Slab | Katehi |
RL-840 | Jun-87 | Some Essential Formulas in Dyadic Analysis and Their Applications | Tai |
RL-839 | Apr-87 | Radiation Losses in MM-Wave Open Microstrip Filters | Katehi |
RL-838 | Feb-87 | Modeling the Backscattering Cross Section of a Leaf | Senior, Sarabandi |
RL-837 | Nov-86 | Diffraction by a Thin Dielectric Half Plain | Volakis, Senior |
RL-836 | Oct-86 | Sheet Simulation of a Thin Dielectric Layer | Senior, Volakis |
RL-835 | Jul-86 | High Frequency Scattering by a Resistive Strip | Herman, Volakis |
RL-834 | Jun-86 | Scattering by a Thick Impedance Half Plane | Volakis |
RL-833 | Apr-86 | Effects of Aircraft Interaction on Performance of B-Dot Sensor for Delta-Wing and Cargo-Type Aircraft | Liepa, Kuhlman, Serano |
RL-832 | Apr-86 | Numerical Method of Noise Reduction for Frequency Domain SEM | Willis, Ksienski |
RL-831 | Apr-86 | The Backscattered Field of a Thin Wire Loop for H Polarization | Senior, Burns |
RL-830 | Mar-86 | Microstrip Filter Design Including Dispersion Effects and Radiation Losses | Katehi, Dunleavy |
RL-829 | Feb-86 | A Generalized Method for the Evaluation of Mutual Coupling in Microstrip Arrays | |
RL-828 | Feb-86 | A Uniform Asymptotic Evaluation of Integrals | Volakis, Herman |
RL-827 | Jun-85 | Microwave Remote Sensing from Space | Carver, Elachi |
RL-826 | Jan-85 | Microwave Dielectric Behavior of Wet Soil — Part II: Dielectric Mixing Models | Dobson, Ulaby, Hallikainen, El-Rayes |
RL-825 | Jan-85 | Microwave Dielectric Behavior of Wet Soil — Part I: Empirical Models and Experimental Observations | Hallikainen, El-Rayes, Ulaby, Dobson, Wu |
RL-824 | Nov-84 | A Reexamination of Soil Textual Effects on Microwave Emission and Backscattering | Dobson, Kouyate, Ulaby |
RL-823 | Nov-84 | Measured Microwave Emission and Scattering in Vegetation Canopies | Brunfeldt, Ulaby |
RL-822 | (ND) | The Dielectric Behavior of Snow in the 3- to 37-GHz Range | Ulaby, Hallikainen |
RL-821 | (ND) | Dielectric Measurements of Soils in the 3- to 37-GHz Band between -50˚ C and 23˚ C | Ulaby, Hallikainen, Dobson, El-Rays |
RL-820 | (ND) | The Effect of Row Direction on the Microwave Emission from Vegetation Canopies | Brunfeldt, Ulaby |
RL-819 | (ND) | Modeling the Polarization Dependence of the Attenuation in Vegetation Canopies | Allen, Ulaby |
RL-818 | Jan-86 | The Backscattered Field of a Thin Wire Loop for E Polarization | Burns, Senior |
RL-817 | Jan-86 | The Backscattered Field of a Thin Wire Loop for H Polarization | Burns, Senior |
RL-816 | Jun-86 | Scattering by a Thick Impedance Half Plane | Volakis |
RL-815 | May-86 | The Validity of Approximating Currents on a Resistive Strip Using Physical Optics | Haupt, Liepa |
RL-814 | May-85 | Null Synthesis with Phase and Amplitude Controls at the Subarray Outputs | Haupt |
RL-813 | Sep-85 | Circular Patch Antennas with Passive Conducting Posts | Sengupta, Lan |
RL-812 | Dec-85 | Uniform Evaluation of the Surface Wave Diffraction by an Impedance Wedge and Its Application to a Strip | Herman, Volakis |
RL-811 | Jun-86 | A Generalized Method for the Evaluation of Mutual Coupling in Microstrip Arrays | Katehi |
RL-810 | Dec-85 | Integral Equations for Permeable Bodies Based on the Method of Equivalent Polarized Elements | Tai |
RL-809 | Dec-85 | A Bandwidth Enhancement Method for Microstrip Antennas | Katehi, Alexopoulos, Maa |
RL-808 | Dec-85 | Diffraction by a Thick Perfectly Conducting Half Plane via the Angular Spectrum Method and GTD | Volakis, Ricoy |
RL-807 | Jan-86 | Clustering, Surface Perturbation and Material Effects on Absorption and Scattering by Rayleigh Particles | Weil |
RL-806 | Dec-85 | Microstrip Filter Design Including Dispersion Effects and Radiation Losses | Katehi, Dunleavy |
RL-805 | Aug-85 | Scattering by an imperfect right angled wedge | Senior, Volakis |
RL-804 | Oct-85 | The backscattered field of a thin wire loop for H polarization | Senior, Burns |
RL-803 | Sep-85 | Surface Roughness, Clustering and Material Effects in Absorption and Scattering by Electrically Small Particles | Weil |
RL-802 | Sep-85 | Scattering at Skew Incidence by an Imperfect Right-Angled Wedge | Senior, Volakis |
RL-801 | Sep-85 | Scattering by a Thick Perfectly Conducting Edge and Strip | Volakis, Ricoy |
RL-800 | Aug-85 | Tunable-Circular Patch Antennas | Lan, Sengupta |
RL-799 | Jul-85 | Scattering by Small Thin Dielectric Particles | Ksienski, Senior |
RL-798 | Jul-85 | Solution of a Class of Imperfect Wedge Problems for Skew Incidence | Senior |
RL-797 | Jun-85 | Tunable Circular Patch Antennas | Lan, Sengupta |
RL-796a | May-85 | AC-Band Microwave Dielectric Probe for In-Situ Detection of Soil Moisture | Barkeshli |
RL-796 | Mar-85 | Reduction of the Edge Diffraction of a Circular Ground Plane by Using Resistive Edge Loading | Wang |
RL-795 | Mar-85 | An Asymptotic Solution for the Two-Frequency Mutual Coherence Functions of a Random Slab | Maa |
RL-794 | Apr-85 | A Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction for an Imperfectly Conducting Half Plane | Volakis |
RL-793 | Mar-85 | Frequency-Dependent Characteristics of Microstrip Discontinuities in M.M. Wave Int. Ckts | Katehi |
RL-792 | Jan-85 | Uniform Diffraction Coefficients for an Impedance Half-Plane | Volakis, Senior |
RL-791 | Jan-85 | Microwave Emission from Row Crops | Brunfeldt, Ulaby |
RL-790 | Jan-85 | Microwave Attenuation Properties of Vegetation Canopies | Ulaby, Wilson |
RL-789 | Jan-85 | Dielectric Properties of Snow in the 3- to 37-GHz range | Hallikainen, Abdelrazik, Ulaby |
RL-788 | Sep-85 | Microwave Remote Sensing from Space | Carver, Elachi |
RL-787 | Jun-85 | Dielectric Measurements and Modeling of Snow in the 3- to 37-GHz Range | Hallikainen, Ulaby, Abdelrazik |
RL-786 | Jan-85 | A Bandwidth Enhancement Method for Microstrip Antennas | Katehi, Alexopoulos |
RL-785 | Jan-85 | Simple Expressions for a Function Occurring in Diffraction Theory | Volakis, Senior |
RL-784 | Jun-85 | Reduction of the Edge Diffraction of a Circular Ground Plane by Using Resistive Edge Loading | Wang, Liepa |
RL-783 | Jun-85 | Analysis of Tunable Circular Patch Antennas | Lan, Sengupta |
RL-782 | Jun-85 | Post-Tuned Single-Feed Circularly Polarized Patch Antennas | Lan, Sengupta |
RL-781 | Dec-84 | Numerical Methods of Noise Reduction for Frequency Domain SEM | Ksienski, Willis |
RL-780 | Dec-84 | Scattering by Distributions of Small Thin Particles | Ksienski |
RL-779 | Aug-84 | Internal and Near Fields of Small Particles Irradiated in Spectral Absorption Bands | Senior, Weil, Willis |
RL-778 | Aug-84 | Absorption and Scattering by Small Particles: Structure of the Internal and Near Fields | Weil, Senior |
RL-777 | Oct-84 | Evaluation of Reflected Fields at Caustic Regions Using a Set of H.O. Equivalent Line Currents | Volakis, Peters |
RL-776 | Oct-84 | Traveling Waves on Their Bodies | Senior |
RL-775 | Oct-84 | Electromagnetic Scattering from Appendages on a Smooth Surface | Volakis, Peters, Burnside |
RL-774 | Oct-84 | Combined Resistive and Conduction Sheets | Senior |
RL-773 | Aug-84 | Electromagnetic Interference Effects of Wind Turbines | Sengupta |
RL-772 | Jul-84 | Traveling Waves on Their Bodies | Senior, Yang |
RL-771 | Jun-84 | Abstract: Integral Equations for the Scattering of a Plane Wave by an Electrically and Magnetically Permeable Body | Tai |
RL-770 | May-84 | A Method of Resolving Data into Two Maximally Smooth Components | Ksienski |
RL-769 | May-84 | Resonant Frequency of a Tunable Rectangular Patch Antenna | Sengupta |
RL-768 | May-84 | The Transmission Line Model Analysis of Rectangular Patch Antennas | Sengupta |
RL-767 | Dec-83 | Study of Electromagnetic Scattering by Half Sheet With Cylindrical Tip | Kimura |
RL-766 | Apr-84 | Pole and Residue Extraction from Measured Data in the Frequency Domain Using Multiple Data Sets | Ksienski |
RL-765 | Feb-84 | The IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society From ’49 Through ’82 | Hiatt |
RL-764 | Jan-84 | Experimental Determination of Optimum Sensor Location on Aircraft for Transient Electromagnetic Measurements | Liepa, Pennock |
RL-763 | Jan-84 | Transmission and Reflection Properties of a Random Medium | Chu, Maa |
RL-762 | Jan-84 | Analysis of Tunable Rectangular Patch Antennas | Sengupta |
RL-761 | Jan-84 | Boundary Condition in EM Theory and some Theorems Involving Moving Column Surface and Contour | Tai |
RL-760 | Dec-83 | Backscattering from Tapered Resistive Strips | Senior, Liepa |
RL-759 | Oct-83 | Pole and Residue Extraction from Measured Data in the Frequency Domain Using Multiple Data Sets | Ksienski |
RL-758 | Sep-83 | Structure of Surface Polariton Modes in and Near Small Particles | Weil, Senior |
RL-757 | Sep-83 | Structure of Polariton Modes | Weil, Senior |
RL-756 | Sep-83 | Scattering by a Small Resistive Plate | Senior |
RL-755 | Sep-83 | Nonuniform Transmission Lens Model for Circular Microstrip Antenna | Lan, Sengupta |
RL-754 | Sep-83 | Low Frequency Scattering by a Resistive Plate | Senior,Naor |
RL-753 | Sep-83 | Low Frequency Scattering by a Metallic Plate | Senior |
RL-752 | Sep-83 | Determination of a Vector Potential | |
RL-751 | Aug-83 | An Approximate Expression for the Resonant Frequency of a Rectangular Patch Antenna | Sengupta |
RL-750 | Jul-83 | Several Problems Involving Moving Isotropic Medium | Tai |
RL-749 | Jul-83 | Electromagnetic Scattering Parameters for Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blades | Sengupta |
RL-748 | Jun-83 | Receiving Antenna | Tai |
RL-747 | May-83 | Measurements of Interference to Television Reception Near Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines | Sengupta, Senior, Ferris |
RL-746 | May-83 | Monopole Excitation of Dielectric Tube Antennas | Dong, Sengupta |
RL-745 | May-83 | A Class of Broadband Patch Microstrip Traveling Wave Antennas | Dong, Sengupta |
RL-744 | Feb-83 | A Note on the Extinction Efficiency | Senior |
RL-743 | Jan-83 | Dipoles and Monopoles | Tai |
RL-742 | Jan-83 | Surface wave Mechanism | Liepa |
RL-741 | Dec-82 | A Study of Spherical Cap Antennas | Kimura |
RL-740 | Dec-82 | Abstract: Cerenkov Phenomenon Viewed as an Electrostatic Problem in a Moving Medium | Tai |
RL-739 | Dec-82 | The Transmission Line Model for Rectangular Patch Antennas | Sengupta |
RL-738 | Dec-82 | Experimental Scale Model Study of Loran-C Signals Near Bridges | Liepa, Frank |
RL-737 | Dec-82 | Measurement of Interference to Television Reception Caused by an Array of Large Wind Turbines | Sengupta, Ferris |
RL-736 | Dec-82 | Surface Polariton Modes | Senior |
RL-735 | Dec-82 | The Construction of a Vector Potential | Senior |
RL-734 | Oct-82 | Finite Element Solution for Electromagnetic Scattering from Two-Dimensional Bodies | Mason |
RL-733 | Sep-82 | A Model for Polarization Effects in Remote Probing of Clouds | Weil |
RL-732 | Sep-82 | The Construction of a Vector Potential | Senior |
RL-731 | Jun-82 | When are Spheroids Good Models for Rayleigh Scattering | Weil |
RL-730 | Sep-82 | Rayleigh Scattering: Applications and Extensions | Senior |
RL-729 | Sep-82 | The Application of Coupled Wiener Hopf Integral Equations in Diffraction Problems | Pond |
RL-728 | Aug-82 | Rayleigh Scattering | Kleinman, Senior |
RL-727 | May-82 | Meander Antennas | Rashed |
RL-726 | May-82 | A New Class of Wire Antennas | Rashed, Tai |
RL-725 | Jun-82 | Dyadic Green’s Functions for a Coaxial Line | Tai |
RL-724 | May-82 | Wiener-Hopf Method Applied to a Dielectric Cylinder Asymmetrically Excited by a Circular Metallic Waveguide | Martins-Camelo |
RL-723 | May-82 | Low Frequency Scattering by Metallic Plates: A Critique | Senior |
RL-722 | Apr-82 | An Environmental Effect of Large Wind Turbines | Senior |
RL-721 | Apr-82 | Experimental Investigation of a Class of Broadband Microstrip Antennas | Dong,Sengupta |
RL-720 | Apr-82 | The Evolution of the Radiation Laboratory | Senior |
RL-719 | Apr-82 | Radiation Laboratory, University of Michigan | Senior |
RL-718 | Mar-82 | On the Validity of Modeling Rayleigh Scatterers by Spheroids | Senior,Weil |
RL-717 | Mar-82 | Where the Wind Blows | Senior |
RL-716 | Feb-82 | Backscatter from a Random Medium | Jedrzejewski |
RL-715 | Jan-82 | Use of Near Field Probing to Diagnose the Poor Performance of Pyramidal-type Absorbing Materials | Liepa |
RL-714 | Jan-82 | Backscatter from a Random Medium | Jedrzejewski, Chu |
RL-713 | May-82 | A New Class of Wire Antennas | Rashed, Tai |
RL-712 | May-82 | An Experimental Study of a New Class of Broadband Microstrip Antennas | Dong, Sengupta |
RL-711 | May-82 | A Parametric Investigation of Dielectric Tube Antennas | Dong, Sengupta |
RL-710 | Dec-81 | Low Frequency Scattering by Metallic Plates: A Critique | Senior |
RL-709 | Nov-81 | Low Frequency Scattering by a Perfectly Conducting Body | Senior |
RL-708 | Nov-81 | A Digest of Maxwell’s Two Early Papers | Tai |
RL-707 | Oct-81 | Television Interference and Acoustic Emissions Associated with the Operation of the Darrieus VAWT SERI | Kelley, Hemphill, Sengupta |
RL-706 | Sep-81 | Rayleigh Scattering by Dielectric Bodies: Computer Program: DIELCOM | Senior, Willis |
RL-705 | Sep-81 | TV Interference and Acoustic Emissions Associated with the Operation of the Darrieus VAWT | Sengupta, Kelley |
RL-704 | Jan-82 | Scattering by a Resistive Plate | Senior |
RL-703 | Sep-80 | Electromagnetic Fields Resulting from Simple Acceleration | Giles |
RL-702 | Sep-81 | Pole Extraction in the Frequency Domain | Pond, Senior |
RL-701 | Sep-81 | A Miniaturized Resonant Antenna | Rashed, Tai |
RL-700 | Sep-81 | The Representation of Electromagnetic Fields | Naor |
RL-699 | Aug-81 | Measurements of Television Interference Produced by Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines | Sengupta, Senior |
RL-698 | Aug-81 | Theory of Terminated Monopole | Tai |
RL-697 | Aug-81 | Function-Theoretic Techniques for the Electromagnetic Scattering by a Resistive Wedge | LaHaie |
RL-696 | Aug-81 | Scattering by Resistive Plates | Naor |
RL-695 | Jul-81 | Determination of SEM Poles from Frequency Responses | Pond, Senior |
RL-694 | Jul-81 | Low Frequency Scattering by a Resistive Plate | Senior, Naor |
RL-693 | Oct-81 | Measurement of TVI Produced by Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines | Senior, Sengupta |
RL-692 | Jun-81 | An Environmental Effect of Large Wind Turbines | Senior, Sengupta |
RL-691 | Jun-81 | Low Frequency Scattering by a Metal Plate | Senior, Naor |
RL-690 | May-81 | The Current Induced in a Resistive Half Plane | Senior |
RL-690 | Jan-81 | Absorption by a Distribution of Dielectric Particles | Senior |
RL-689 | Mar-81 | Interference to Television Reception Caused by Large Wind Turbines | Sengupta |
RL-688 | Mar-81 | Complex Singularities of the Impedance Functions of Antennas | Tai |
RL-687 | Sep-76 | Integral Equation Method for Scattering and Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation by Thin Lossy Dielectric Discs | Chu, Weil |
RL-686 | Jan-81 | Scattering Area of a Large Wind Turbine Blade | Sengupta, Ferris |
RL-685 | Jan-81 | Pole Extraction in the Frequency Domain | Pond, Senior |
RL-684 | Jan-81 | Saturation and Second Order Stokes Effects in Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) | Weil |
RL-683 | Dec-80 | Absorption by a Distribution of Dielectric Particles | Senior |
RL-682 | Sep-80 | Particle Shapes for Maximizing Low Frequency Absorption | Senior, Weil |
RL-681 | Aug-80 | Approximate Boundary Conditions | Senior |
RL-680 | Jul-80 | Analysis of Transients on Transmission Lines | Mohammadian |
RL-679 | Jul-80 | Some Thoughts on the Present and Future Status of Electromagnetics Research in US Universities | Senior |
RL-678 | Jul-80 | Particle Shapes for Maximizing Low Frequency Absorption(also RL-682) | Senior, Weil |
RL-677 | Nov-80 | Reduction of Scattering from Edges by Using Tapered Resistive Sheets | Liepa |
RL-676 | Jun-80 | Scattering and Absorption by Wavelength Size ??? | Chu, Weil |
RL-675 | Jun-80 | Electric Dyadic Green’s Functions in Source Region | Tai |
RL-674 | Jun-80 | Scale Model Measurements | Liepa |
RL-673 | Jun-80 | Equivalent Layers of Surface Charge Current Sheet and Polarization in the Eigenfunction Expansions of Green’s Functions in Electromagnetic Theory | Tai |
RL-672 | Jun-80 | A University Consultant | Senior |
RL-671 | Apr-80 | Electric Dyadic Green’s Functions in the Source Region | Tai |
RL-670 | Apr-80 | Singular Terms in the Eigen Function Expansion of Dyadic Green’s Function of the Electric Type | Tai |
RL-669 | Mar-80 | Effect of Particle Shape on Low Frequency Absorption | Senior |
RL-668 | 1980 | Television Reception Near the Wind Turbine on Block Island | Sengupta, Senior |
RL-667 | 1980 | Metallic Posts in a Radial Waveguide | Sengupta, Martins-Camelo |
RL-666 | 1980 | Windmill Interference to Television Reception | Sengupta, Senior |
RL-665 | Jan-80 | Scattering by a Finite Resistive Plate | Senior |
RL-664 | Nov-79 | The Boundary Limits of Certain Integrals in Scattering Theory | Cho,Senior |
RL-663 | Sep-79 | The Integral Equation Method in Scattering Theory | Cho |
RL-662 | Oct-79 | Transients on Lossy Transmission Lines | Mohammadian, Tai |
RL-661 | Aug-80 | Metallic Posts in a Radial Waveguide and Their Application | Sengupta, Martins-Camelo |
RL-660 | Sep-79 | A Laboratory System for Studying TV Interference Produced by Windmills | Senior, Sengupta |
RL-659 | Sep-79 | Theory of Dielectric-Filled Edge-Slot Antennas | Sengupta, Martins-Camelo |
RL-658 | 1979 | Scattering by Impedance Strips | Senior |
RL-657 | Apr-79 | Scattering by Resistive Strips-Abstract | Senior |
RL-656 | Apr-79 | Scattering by Resistive Strips | Senior |
RL-655 | Feb-79 | Edge Currents on Rectangular Plates | Liepa |
RL-654 | Feb-79 | Theory of the Input Behavior of a Dielectric-Filled Edge-Slot Antenna | Sengupta, Martins-Camelo, Hones, Schaubert |
RL-653 | Feb-79 | Wind Turbine Generator Interference to Television Reception | Sengupta, Senior |
RL-652 | Feb-79 | Scattering by Resistive Strips | Senior |
RL-651 | (ND) | Transients on Lossy Transmission Lines | Mohammadian, Tai |
RL-650 | Jan-79 | Diffraction by a Discontinuity in Curvature | Senior |
RL-649 | Nov-78 | Electromagnetic Interference caused by Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Generators | Sengupta, Senior |
RL-648 | Nov-78 | Backscattering from Resistive Strips | Senior |
RL-647 | Oct-78 | Electromagnetic Interference to Television Reception Caused by Horizontal Axis Windmills | Sengupta, Senior |
RL-646 | Nov-78 | Backscattering from Resistive Strips | Senior |
RL-645 | 1978 | Rayleigh Scattering | Senior |
RL-644 | Apr-78 | Semi-Hemi Antenna | Ferris, Repucci |
014438-2-F | Mar-78 | Electromagnetic Interference by Wind Turbine Generators | Sengupta, Senior |
RL-643 | Feb-78 | A Network Model for the Biconical Antenna | Sharpe, Roussi |
RL-642 | Feb-78 | Singularities of the Impedance Function of Thin Cylindrical Antennas Based on a Perturbation Method | Tai, Cho |
RL-641 | Feb-78 | Singularities of input impedance functions of thin biconical antennas and cylindrical antennas | Tai |
RL-640 | Feb-78 | EC-130 Scale Model EMP Response Measurements | Liepa |
RL-639 | Jan-78 | Input Reflection Coefficient of a basic Dielectric-Filled Edge-Slot Antenna | Sengupta, Martins-Camelo, Schaubert |
RL-638 | Dec-77 | Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Slowly Rotating Rectangular Metal Plate | LaHaie, Sengupta |
RL-637 | (ND) | Skew Incidence on a Right-Angled Impedance Wedge | Senior |
RL-636 | Nov-77 | Transients on Lossless Terminated Transmission Lines | Tai |
RL-635 | Mar-77 | Effects of Ground Profile on the performance of Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon Systems | |
RL-634 | Mar-77 | On the Vertical Plane Patterns of Air Traffic Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) Antennas | Sengupta |
RL-633 | Mar-77 | Performance of Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) Above a Flat Ground with Variable Dielectric Constant | Sengupta |
RL-632 | Mar-77 | Electromagnetic Scattering and Absorption by Thin Walled Dielectric Cylinders with Application to Ice Crystals | Senior, Weil |
RL-631 | Sep-76 | Panel on Asymptotics | Felson, Bahret |
RL-630 | Oct-76 | EM Scattering by columnar sheath ice crystals and other dielectric cylinders | Senior,Weil |
RL-629 | Jun-76 | Frequency Scattering by Rectangular Dielectric Particles | Herrick, Senior |
RL-628 | Jun-76 | Some Problems Involving Imperfect Half Planes | Senior |
RL-627 | Jun-76 | On the vertical plane patterns of air traffic control radar beacon system | Sengupta |
RL-626 | May-76 | Electrically small antenna with loading materials and with active elements | Lyon, Hiatt |
RL-625 | Apr-76 | Some Extensions of Babinet’s Principles in Electromagnetic Theory | Senior |
RL-624 | Mar-76 | The Dipole Moments of a Dielectric Cube | Herrick, Senior |
RL-623 | May-76 | Low frequency scattering by a dielectric body | Senior |
RL-622 | 1975 | Review of Radio Science,72-74 | Buchal |
RL-621 | Sep-75 | Radiation from a Homogeneous Sphere Mounted on a Waveguide Aperture | Tai |
RL-620 | Oct-75 | Sweep frequency surface field measurement facility | Liepa, Rhine |
RL-619 | (ND) | An approximate formula for calculating the directivity of an antenna | Tai, Pereira |
RL-618 | Oct-75 | A theoretical investigation of the Performance of Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System | Sengupta, Tkalih |
RL-617 | (ND) | Different representations of Dyadic Green’s functions for a rectangular cavity | Tai, Rozenfeld |
RL-616 | (ND) | Comment on “Methods of Edge Waves and GTD.” by PA Uxemtsev | Senior |
RL-615 | Jun-75 | Diffraction Tensors for Imperfectly Conducting Edges | Senior |
RL-614 | (ND) | Half-Plane Edge Diffraction | Senior |
RL-613 | Apr-75 | Electromagnetic Field Penetration into a Cylindrical Cavity | Senior |
RL-612 | 1975 | Some Extensions of Babinet’s Principle | Senior |
RL-611 | 1975 | Low Frequency Scattering by Space Objects | Kleinman, Senior |
RL-610 | 1975 | The Equivalent Current Method | Senior |
RL-609 | Jan-75 | Alternative Representation of the Dyadic Green’s Function for a Rectangular Cavity | Tai |
RL-608 | (ND) | Band Antennas for Helicopters | Ferris, Ploshir |
RL-607 | Dec-74 | Theoretical and Experimental Study of Arrays of Axial Slots on a Circular Cylinder | Sengupta, Ferris |
RL-606 | (ND) | Transient EM Fields | Sengupta, Tai |
RL-605 | Nov-74 | Theoretical study of the SLS and ISLS mode performance of air traffic control radar beacon system | Sengupta, Xatkalik |
RL-604 | Jun-74 | High-Frequency Electromagnetic Scattering from a Finite Circular Cylinder | Knott, Uslenghi, Senior |
RL-603 | Apr-74 | High Frequency Diffraction Techniques | Knott, Senior |
RL-602 | Apr-74 | The Electromagnetic Theory of Three-Dimensional Inhomogeneous Lenses and the Dyadic Green’s Functions for Cavities | Rozenfeld |
RL-601 | Feb-74 | The structure of dyadic Green’s functions and their eigenfunction expansions | Tai |
RL-600 | Jan-74 | Finite array analysis and predictions of blind spots | Hidayet, Lyon |
RL-599 | Jan-74 | Electromagnetic field penetration into a spherical cavity | Senior, Desjardins |
RL-598 | Jan-74 | Far Field Criterion | Knott, Senior |
RL-597 | Jan-74 | Theory of Scalloping Errors in VOR Bearing Indications | Sengupta |
RL-596 | Jan-74 | How Far is Far? | Knott, Senior |
RL-595 | Nov-73 | Correction to: Dyadic Green’s Functions for Cylindrical Waveguides with Moving Media | Stubenrauch, Tai |
RL-594 | Jul-73 | Eigen-Function Expansion of Dyadic Green’s Functions | Tai |
RL-593 | (ND) | High-frequency electromagnetic scattering from a finite circular cylinder | Senior, Knott, Uslenghi |
RL-592 | Oct-73 | Transient Radiation from a Step Voltage Excited Resistively Loaded Linear Antenna | Sengupta, Liu |
RL-591 | Oct-73 | Parallel Plate Transmission Line in Proximity to an Infinitely Long Circular Cylinder | Cho, Chu |
RL-590 | Jul-73 | Parallel Plate Transmission in Proximity to an Infinitely Long Circular Cylinder | Chu, Cho |
RL-589 | Jul-73 | Transient Radiation from Resistively Loaded Transmission Lines and Thin Biconical Antennas | Tai |
RL-588 | Jul-73 | Transient Radiation from a Step Voltage Excited Resistively Loaded Linear Antenna | Sengupta, Liu |
RL-587 | Jun-73 | Transient Radiation from a Linear Antenna with Non-Reflecting Resistive Loading | Liu, Sengupta |
RL-586 | May-73 | Excitation and Propagation of Waves Between Two Planar Interfaces | Liu |
RL-585 | May-73 | Transient Radiation from Resistively Loaded Transmission Lines and Thin Biconical Antennas | Foster |
RL-584 | May-73 | Some Design Information for the Collision Avoidance Microwave Radar | Sengupta, Sengupta |
RL-583 | May-73 | The Interaction of Slots in a Finite Array | Hidayet, Lyon |
RL-582 | Mar-73 | University of Mississippi Lecture | Senior |
RL-581 | May-73 | Transient Radiation from a Step Voltage Excited Resistively Loaded Linear Antenna | Sengupta, Liu |
RL-580 | May-73 | Some Recent Developments in the Application of GTD | Knott, Senior |
RL-579 | Nov-72 | Experimental Detection of the Edge-Diffraction Cone | Uslenghi, Senior |
RL-578 | Dec-72 | Electromagnetic Field Representation in inhomogeneous Anisotropic Media | Mohsen |
RL-577 | Nov-72 | On the Eigen-Function Expansion of Dyadic Green’s Functions | Tai |
RL-576 | Nov-72 | EMP Penetration Through a Hole in a Spherical Shell | Senior, Desjardins |
RL-575 | Nov-72 | Transient Waveforms Radiated by a Resistively Loaded Linear Antenna | Sengupta, Liu |
RL-574 | Nov-72 | Pulsed Dipole on Earth’s Surface | Liu |
RL-573 | Oct-72 | Static E-Field Within Finite Plates | Chu, Cho |
RL-572 | Oct-72 | Theory of Receiving Antennas | Tai |
RL-571 | Oct-72 | The Impulse Responses of a Half Plane | Mohsen, Senior |
RL-570 | Sep-72 | Aperture Excited Dielectric Antennas. WF Croswell | Chatterjee, Mason, Tai |
RL-569 | Sep-72 | Ground and Flight Test Results for Double Parasitic LoopCounterpoise and Standard VOR Antennas | Sengupta, Ferris |
RL-568 | Sep-72 | An Implantable Probe for Microwave Dosimetry | Hiatt, Knott |
RL-567 | Sep-72 | Modal Mutual Coupling Effects on the Illumination of a Slot in an Array of Slots | Lyon, Girardi |
RL-566 | Sep-72 | Behavior of the Edge-Currents on a Quarter-Plane at Grazing Angels | Liepa, Loftis |
RL-565 | Aug-72 | Analytical Investigation of Waveforms Radiated by a Resistively Loaded Linear Antenna Excited by a Gaussian Pulse | Liu, Sengupta |
RL-564 | Aug-72 | On the Scattering of Waves by Inhomogeneous Objects | Mohsen, Tai |
RL-563 | Aug-72 | Aperture Excited Dielectric Antennas | Croswell,Tai, Mason |
RL-562 | Aug-72 | The Electromagnetic Radiation from Simple Sources in the Presence of a Homogenous Dielectric Sphere | Mason |
RL-561 | Aug-72 | Equivalent Currents for a Ring Discontinuity | Knott, Senior |
RL-560 | Aug-72 | Wave Propagation Over a Plane Earth Bounded by a Perfectly Conducting Plate | Liu |
RL-559 | Jul-72 | Transient Diffraction and Scattering | Senior |
RL-558 | Jul-72 | Analytical investigation of Waveforms radiated by a Resistively Loaded Linear Antenna Excited by a Gaussian Pulse | Sengupta |
RL-557 | Jul-72 | Equivalent Currents for a Ring Discontinuity | Knott, Senior |
RL-556 | Jul-72 | Further Studies of Backscattering from a Finite Cone | Senior, Uslenghi |
RL-555 | May-72 | Ph.D. Thesis Proposed study | Hidayet |
RL-554 | Jun-72 | The Radiation Condition for Moving Media | Stubenrauch |
RL-553 | Jul-72 | Computer Program: Rayleigh Scattering | Senior, Ahlgren |
RL-552 | May-72 | The Trap-Loaded Cylindrical Antenna | Smith |
RL-551 | Jun-72 | Ground and Flight Test Results for a Parasitic LoopCounterpoise VOR Antenna | Ferris, Sengupta |
RL-550 | May-72 | The Use of RF Magnetic Probes for the Measurement of Penetration of Microwave Energy in Biological Specimens | Knott, Hiatt |
RL-549 | May-72 | The Modification of Element Illumination due to Interaction in a Scanned Linear Array | Lyon, Cha, Hidayet |
RL-548 | May-72 | A Study of Mutual Coupling Reduction in Phased Array Antennas by the use of a Time Sharing Technique | Girardi, Lyon |
RL-547 | May-72 | The Trap-Loaded Cylindrical Antenna | Smith |
RL-546 | Apr-72 | Numerical Solution of the Branched Thin Wire Antenna | Tong |
RL-545 | May-72 | Computer Program Description | Senior, Ahlgren |
RL-544 | May-72 | Radiation from Sources in the Presence of a Moving Dielectric Column | Stubenrauch |
RL-543 | Nov-70 | Reflectors and Lenses | Sengupta, Hiatt |
RL-542 | Mar-72 | Low Frequency Scattering | Senior |
RL-541 | Mar-72 | On the Presentation of Maxwell’s Theory | Tai |
RL-540 | Feb-72 | Rayleigh Scattering Cross Sections | Kleinman, Senior |
RL-539 | Mar-72 | Theory of Double Parasitic Loop Counterpoise Antenna Radiation Patterns | Sengupta |
RL-538 | Feb-72 | Low Frequency Scattering | Senior |
RL-537 | Jan-72 | Characteristics of Resistively Loaded Transmission Lines | Foster, Tai |
RL-536 | Jan-72 | Radiation Patterns and Directivity of Small Homogeneous Dielectric Spheres Excited by Simple Sources | Mason, Tai |
RL-535 | Jan-72 | The Radiation Condition and the Reciprocity Theorem for Fields in Moving Media | Tai, Stubenrauch |
RL-534 | Jan-72 | Waveforms Radiated by continuously Loaded Linear Antennas Excited by Gaussian Pulse | Sengupta, Liu |
RL-533 | Dec-71 | Wave Propagation on Helical Antennas | Cha |
RL-532 | Sep-71 | Equivalent Representation of Lossy Transmission Lines [1] | Tai |
RL-531 | Sep-71 | Backscattering from a truncated cone | Uslenghi, Senior |
RL-530 | Aug-71 | The Diffraction Matrix for a Discontinuity in Curvature | Senior |
RL-529 | Jul-71 | Comments on “Phase properties of backscattered fields from thin rods” | Liepa, Knott |
RL-528 | Jul-71 | Cross Polarization Diagnostics | Knott, Senior |
RL-527 | Jun-71 | Electrically tuned small antennas for HF to UHF frequency bands | Lyon, Hidayet, Loftis |
RL-526 | Sep-71 | Feed-Forward Compensation for the Electromagnetic Coupling Between Two Antennas | Lyon, Parker |
RL-525 | May-71 | Kirchhoff Theory: Scalar Vector | Tai |
RL-524 | May-71 | Graphical solution of some simple impedance networks | Tai |
RL-523 | May-71 | Field Theory of Helical Antennas | Cha |
RL-522 | Apr-71 | Diffraction coefficients for a discontinuity in curvature | Senior |
RL-521 | Mar-71 | Theory of VOR Antenna Radiation Patterns | Sengupta |
RL-520 | Mar-71 | Plates and Edges | Knott, Liepa, Senior |
RL-519 | Feb-71 | Dual Polarized Synthetic Aperture Antenna Sub-Arrays | Ferris |
RL-518 | Jan-71 | The Polarization Characteristics of Scattered Fields | Knott, Senior |
RL-517 | Jan-71 | Dipole moments in Rayleigh Scattering | Kleinman, Senior |
RL-516 | Jan-71 | Dipole Moments in Rayleigh Scattering | Keller, Kleinman, Senior |
RL-515 | Dec-70 | Transient Properties of an Antenna in the Transmit/Receive Modes | Foster, Tai |
RL-514 | Nov-70 | Dyadic Green’s Functions for Cylindrical Waveguides with Moving Media | Stubenrauch, Tai |
RL-513 | Nov-70 | On the Wave Propagation Along the Helix | Cha |
RL-512 | Oct-70 | Eigenfunction Expansion of Dyadic Green’s Functions in Electromagnetic Theory | Tai |
RL-511 | 7-Oct | Processes of transient radiation and reception | Tai, Foster |
RL-510 | Sep-70 | On the Endfire Condition and Directivity of a Linear Continuous Source | Cha |
RL-509 | Sep-70 | High-Frequency Backscattering from a Finite Cone | Senior, Uslenghi |
RL-508 | Sep-70 | Scattering by a Conducting Sinusoidal Surface | Senior |
RL-507 | Aug-70 | Comparison Between Keller’s and Ufimtsev’s Theories for the Strip | Senior, Uslenghi |
RL-506 | Aug-70 | Analysis and Performance of a Bifilar Antenna with an Outer Layer of Ferrite | Chu, Lyon |
RL-505 | Sep-70 | Analysis and Performance of the Interdigital Antenna | Parker, Lyon |
RL-504 | Aug-70 | Equivalent Circuits for Tuning Small Antennas with Active Elements | Lyon, Khan |
RL-503 | Jul-70 | Electromagnetic Scattering from a Radially Inhomogeneous Sphere | Uslenghi |
RL-502 | May-70 | Radiation from Sources in the Presence of a Flat Earth | Hansen, Tai |
RL-501 | Jun-70 | The Radiation Efficiency of a Dipole Antenna Above an Imperfectly Conducting Ground | Hansen |
RL-500 | Jun-70 | Antennas on Spheroids with a Variable Surface Impedance | Uslenghi, Alexopoulos |
RL-499 | Jun-70 | Electromagnetic Scattering from a Radially Inhomogeneous Sphere | Uslenghi |
RL-498 | May-70 | Low Frequency Resonances for an Inhomogeneous Plasma Sphere | Uslenghi |
RL-497 | May-70 | Backscattering from a Finite Cone | Knott, Senior |
RL-496 | May-70 | The Nature of the Radiation From a Bifilar Helical Antenna with an Outer Layer of Ferrite | Lyon, Cho |
RL-495 | May-70 | A Double Parasitic Loop Counterpoise Antenna and Its Application to Aircraft Navigation System | Sengupta, Ferris |
RL-494 | May-70 | Theory of VOR Antenna Radiation Pattern | Sengupta |
RL-493 | May-70 | Backscattering from a Thin Metallic Disk | Mattson |
RL-492 | Apr-70 | The Rudimentary Horn Antenna | Sengupta, Ferris |
RL-491 | Apr-70 | Electromagnetic Plane Wave Scattering by a Perfectly Conducting Disk | Mattson |
RL-490 | Mar-70 | High-Frequency Backscattering from a Metallic Disk | Knott, Senior |
RL-489 | Mar-70 | Dyadic Green’s Functions for Waveguides with a Moving Isotropic Medium | Stubenrauch, Tai |
RL-488 | Feb-70 | Butler Network Extension to any Number of Antenna Ports | Hiatt, Foster |
RL-487 | Feb-70 | Computation of Surface Currents on Bodies of Revolution | Uslenghi |
RL-486 | Nov-69 | An Iterative Method of Solving a System of Linear Equations and its Physical Interpretation from the Point of View of Scattering Theory | Tai |
RL-485 | Nov-69 | Laboratory Method of Measuring the Phase of a Backscatter Signal | Knott |
RL-484 | Oct-69 | A Note on the Generalized Luneberg Lenses | Daniele, Uslenghi, Zich |
RL-483 | Oct-69 | Low Frequency Scattering by a Finite Cone | Senior |
RL-482 | Sep-69 | Transient Responses of Antennas | Tai |
RL-481 | Sep-69 | Using Coherent Radar Observations to Estimate Target Orientation | Knott |
RL-480 | Sep-69 | Some Properties of the Gain of Uniform and Nonuniform Arrays | Maffett, Tai |
RL-479 | Aug-69 | The Ferrite or Dielectric Tube Antenna | Chen, Lyon |
RL-478 | Aug-69 | Arrays Using Physically Small Slot Antenna Elements | Ibrahim, Lyon |
RL-477 | Aug-69 | The Interaction of Miniaturized Slot Elements in an Array | |
RL-476 | Aug-69 | A new method for the solution of the equations of thermoelasticity of incompressible solids | Uslenghi |
RL-475 | Aug-69 | Investigation of the Rudimentary Horn | Ferris, Ferris |
RL-474 | Jun-69 | Estimating Scattering from Man-Made Targets | Senior |
RL-473 | Jun-69 | A Survey of Terrain Scatter | Senior |
RL-472 | May-69 | Antenna Sidelobe and Coupling Reduction by Means of Reactive Loading of the Ground Plane | Digenis |
RL-471 | May-69 | Application of Parasitic Loop Counterpoise Antennas to Aircraft Navigation System | Sengupta |
RL-470 | Apr-69 | Comparison of Ray Theory with Exact Theory for Scattering by Open Waveguides | Bowman |
RL-469 | Apr-69 | Axial Backscattering from an Absorbing Finite Cone | Bowman |
RL-468 | Apr-69 | Comparison of Ray Theory with Exact Theory for Scattering by an Open Waveguide | Bowman |
RL-467 | Apr-69 | Scattering by a Spherical Shell with a Circular Aperture | Chang |
RL-466 | Mar-69 | Disc Scattering at Edge-On Incidence | Senior |
RL-465 | Feb-69 | High-Frequency Scattering from a Metal-like Dielectric Lens | Uslenghi, Weston |
RL-464 | Feb-69 | Representation of Fields in a Relativistic Plasma by a Surface Integral | Weston |
RL-463 | Feb-69 | Azimuth and Elevation Direction Finder Feasibility — Part II | Ferris, Zimmerman, Henry |
RL-462 | Feb-69 | Azimuth-Elevation Direction Finder Feasibility — Part I | Zimmerman, Zimmerman |
RL-461 | Feb-69 | On the Radiation Patterns of Parasitic Loop Counterpoise Antennas | Sengupta, Ferris |
RL-460 | Feb-69 | Asymptotic Theory of Diffraction | Larson |
RL-459 | Jan-69 | High Frequency Backscattering from a Perfectly Conducting Sphere Coated with a Radially Inhomogeneous Dielectric | Alexopoulos |
RL-458 | Jan-69 | Radar Cross-Section of Perfectly Conducting Spheres Coated with a Certain Class of Radially Inhomogeneous Dielectrics | Alexopoulos |
RL-457 | Dec-68 | A Theorem of Electromagnetic Fields in Spherically Stratified Media | Uslenghi |
RL-456 | Nov-68 | An Analysis of the Behavior of the HE11 Mode Ferrite Tube Antenna | Chen |
RL-455 | Nov-68 | The Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Moving Bodies | Soper |
RL-454 | Oct-68 | Electromagnetic Scattering from Certain Radially Inhomogeneous Dielectrics | Alexopoulos |
RL-453 | Nov-68 | High Frequency Compensation of a Negative-Impedance Converter | McMahon |
RL-452 | Sep-68 | Iterative Solutions of Maxwell’s Equations | Asvestas |
RL-451 | 1968 | The 3-Dimensional Phased Array: Physical Realizability and Directive Properties | Mottl |
RL-450 | Oct-68 | A Planar Creeping Wave | Senior, Liepa |
RL-449 | Oct-68 | The Prediction and Control of Electromagnetic Scattering | Senior |
RL-448 | Sep-68 | Electromagnetic and Optical Behavior of Two Classes of Dielectric Lenses | Uslenghi |
RL-447 | Sep-68 | On the generalized Luneburg lenses | Uslenghi |
RL-446 | Sep-68 | Note on “Oblique Incidence of an Electromagnetic Wave on a Plasma Layer.” | Weston |
RL-445 | Sep-68 | The Prediction and Control of Electromagnetic Scattering | Senior |
RL-444 | Aug-68 | Electrically Small Antenna Techniques | Lyon |
RL-443 | Aug-68 | An Investigation of the Parasitic loop Counterpoise Antenna | Sengupta, Weston |
RL-442 | Aug-68 | The Interpretation of Dynamic Radar Returns | Larson, Cole |
RL-441 | Aug-68 | The Polarization Dependence of Radar Returns from Precessing Vehicles | Larson |
RL-440 | Aug-68 | Scattering by Spheroids and Discs | Asvestas, Kleinman |
RL-439 | Aug-68 | A Status Report of an Azimuth and Elevation Direction Finder | Ferris, Zimmerman |
RL-438 | Aug-68 | An Analysis of the Behavior of the Ferrite Tube Antenna | Chen, Lyon |
RL-437 | Aug-68 | Laboratory Simulation of Re-entry Precision During RCS Measurements | Knott |
RL-436 | Jul-68 | Scattering Theory | Kleinman |
RL-435 | Jul-68 | Feasibility of Employing a Parasitic Element with an Alford Loop | Ferris |
RL-434 | Jun-68 | Network Function Determination from Partial Specifications | Braun, McMahon |
RL-433 | Jun-68 | Laboratory Simulation of Reentry Recession During Radar Cross-Scattering Measurements | Knott |
RL-432 | Jun-68 | A Matrix Associated with Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering | Boerner |
RL-431 | May-68 | Network Function Determination from Partial Specification | Braun |
RL-430 | May-68 | An Inverse Scattering Technique for Electromagnetic Bistatic Scattering | Weston,Boerner |
RL-429 | May-68 | Properties of the Triangular Lattice Array | Cheng |
RL-428 | Apr-68 | Power Capability of a Ferrite Filled Rectangular Cavity Backed Slot Antenna | Alexopoulos, Smith |
RL-427 | Apr-68 | Broadband Characteristics of Cylindrical Antennas with Exponentially Tapered Capacitive Loading | Rao, Ferris, Zimmerman |
RL-426 | Mar-68 | A New VOR Antenna System | Sengupta, Weston |
RL-425 | Mar-68 | Rayleigh Scattering by Coated Conducting Objects | Kleinman |
RL-424 | Mar-68 | Use of Parasitic Elements to Control Alford Loop Counterpoise Radiation Pattern | Ferris, Sengupta |
RL-423 | Mar-68 | Experimental Investigation of a Spherical Phased Array of Circularly Polarized Elements | Sengupta, Smith |
RL-422 | See RL-436 | | |
RL-421 | Jun-68 | A Special Class of Spherically Inhomogeneous Dielectrics | Uslenghi, Alexopoulos |
RL-420 | Feb-68 | Rayleigh Scattering by Coated Conducting Objects | Kleinman |
RL-419 | Feb-68 | Electromagnetic Scattering by Moving Bodies | Restrick, Restrick |
RL-417/418 | Feb-68 | The Radiation Field of an Alford Loop in the Presence of a Large Parasitic Loop and Above a Finite Ground Plane | Weston, Sengupta |
RL-416 | Feb-68 | Backscattering from a Translucent Current Sheet | Smith |
RL-415 | 1967 | Scattering by a Torus | Pushpamala Laurin |
RL-414 | 1966 | Conducting Media Electromagnetism in Moving, Conducting Media | Rudolph, Kalafus |
RL-413 | Jan-68 | An Experimental Investigation of the Properties of Three-dimensional Arrays | Mottl, Tai |
RL-412 | Jan-68 | Electromagnetic Scattering by a Moving Conducting Sphere | Restrick |
RL-411 | Dec-67 | Improvement of System Compatibility Through Coupling Reduction | Lyon, Digenis, Parker |
RL-410 | Dec-67 | Spectrum Signature Predictions | Henry |
RL-409 | Dec-67 | The Spectral Distribution for a Differential Equation Associated with Infrasonic Waves | Weston |
RL-408 | Nov-67 | Modified Dolph-Tchebycheff Arrays | Rao |
RL-407 | Oct-67 | Excitation of a Relativistic Plasma Half-Space by Normally Incident Electromagnetic Waves | Bowman, Weston |
RL-406 | Oct-67 | Movable Singularities and Quadrature | Goodrich, Stenger |
RL-405 | Oct-67 | On the Representations of the Electromagnetic Scattering Fields | Ar |
RL-404 | Aug-67 | Reduction of coupling between antennas on an Aerospace Vehicle | Lyon, Digenis Parker |
RL-403 | Aug-67 | Role of loading for physically small antenna elements | Lyon, Smith, Parker |
RL-402 | Aug-67 | Antenna Directivity Calculations | Henry, Ferris |
RL-401 | Aug-67 | Electronic Scanning of a Spherical Array | Ferris, Sengupta |
RL-400 | Aug-67 | Uniqueness of Impedance Continuation | Braun |
RL-399 | Aug-67 | High Frequency Backscattering from the Inverse-Square-Power Dielectric Lens | Uslenghi |
RL-398 | Jul-67 | The Rayleigh Term in Far Field Scattering | Kleinman |
RL-397 | Jul-67 | Mode Uncoupling in Oblique Scattering from Radially Inhomogeneous Cylinders | Uslenghi |
RL-395 | Nov-67 | Comparison of Selected RCS Measuring Facilities | Smith, Hiatt |
RL-394 | Jul-67 | The Plane Wave Presentation and the Inverse Scattering Problem | Weston, Bowman |
RL-393 | Jul-67 | Arrays of Non-Resonant Slots | Larson, VanHulsteyn |
RL-392 | Jun-67 | Broadband Characteristics of Cylindrical Antennas with Exponentially Tapered Capacitive Loading | Rao, Ferris, Zimmerman |
RL-391 | May-67 | An Asymptotic Formula for the Confluent Hypergometric Functions | Uslenghi |
RL-390 | Mar-67 | Oblique Incidence of an Electromagnetics Wave on a Plasma Layer | Bowman, Weston |
RL-389 | Mar-67 | Diffraction of a Dipole Field by a Perfectly Conducting Half-Plane | Bowman, Senior |
RL-388 | Mar-67 | On the Analyticity of Certain Vector Fields | Ar |
RL-387 | Mar-67 | On the Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problem | Weston, Bowman, Ar |
RL-386 | Mar-67 | Directivity Functions for General Array Configurations of Short and Long Dipoles | Mottl, Tai |
RL-385 | Mar-67 | Scattering of a Plane Wave by a Moving Perfectly Conducting Sphere | Restrick, Tai |
RL-384 | Feb-67 | Oblique Incidence of an Electromagnetic Wave Upon a Plasma Layer | Bowman, Weston |
RL-383 | Feb-67 | Plasma Physics of Re-entry | Weston |
RL-382 | See RL-358 | | |
RL-381 | Feb-67 | Scattering Control by Impedance Loading | Senior |
RL-380 | Feb-67 | Interference Coupling Between Aerospace Antennas | Lyon |
RL-379 | Feb-67 | Wave Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Medium | Chu |
RL-378 | Feb-67 | Boundary Value Problems on Special Theory of Relativity | Tai |
RL-377 | Feb-67 | Axial Back Scattering by a Prolate Spheroid | Senior |
RL-376 | Jan-66 | On the Solution Spaces for Certain Equations of the Scattering Theory | Ar |
RL-375 | Jul-67 | Interference Reduction Methods for Antennas on Aerospace Vehicles | Lyon, Parker |
RL-374 | May-67 | Power Transfer Analysis of Linear Electronic Systems | Henry, DeHart |
RL-373 | 1968 | The Zeros of Pv1 (cosq) and /q Pv1(cosq) | |
RL-372 | 1967 | The Induced MMF Method | Tai |
RL-371 | May-67 | Traveling Waves in Relation to the Surface Fields on a Semi-infinite Cone | Senior, Wilcox |
RL-370 | Dec-67 | Scattering from Resonant Slots on a Cone | Plonus, Goodrich |
RL-369 | Oct-67 | Scattering from a Half-Loop on an Infinite Perfectly Conducting Plan | Plonus |
RL-368 | Oct-66 | The Saguaro Antenna | Tai, Ferris |
RL-367 | Oct-66 | Methods of Reducing Coupling Levels Between Antennas on Aircraft of Aerospace Vehicles | Lyon, Digenis, Parker |
RL-366 | Dec-66 | Ohm’s Law for Uniformly Moving Media | Kalafus, Tai |
RL-364 | Jun-66 | On the Measurement of a Bifilar Complementary Helical Antenna | Wu |
RL-363 | Dec-66 | A Broadband Constant Beamwidth High-gain Antenna | Ferris, Zimmerman |
RL-362 | Dec-66 | Radiation Characteristics of a Spherical Array of Circularly Polarized Elements | Sengupta, Smith, Larson |
RL-361 | Dec-66 | Pseudo Lobes in the Patterns of Directional Circular Arrays | Sengupta |
RL-360 | Jun-66 | Asymptotic Theory of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Diffraction by Smooth Convex Surfaces of Non-constant Curvatures | Hong |
RL-359 | Jun-66 | Scattering by Radially Inhomogeneous Cylinders | Uslenghi |
RL-358 | | Development and Application of Surface Field Measurement Techniques | Knott |
RL-357 | Aug-66 | Theory of Arrays | Tai |
RL-356 | May-66 | On the Helmholtz Equation for an Acoustically Rigid Scatterer | Ar |
RL-355 | Jul-67 | High Frequency Backscattering from an Absorbing Infinite Strip with Arbitrary Face Impedances | Bowman |
RL-354 | Nov-66 | The Effect of Curvature on the Reflection Coefficient of Layered Absorbers | Bowman, Weston |
RL-353 | Mar-67 | The Time-dependent Green’s Function for a Moving Isotropic Medium | Tai |
RL-352 | Apr-66 | Density Matrix Theory of Laser Amplifiers | Lambropoulos, Hok |
RL-351 | Sep-66 | A Modified Fock Equation | Hong, Weston |
RL-350 | Jul-66 | The Scattering of an Electromagnetic Wave by a Spheroid | Senior |
RL-349 | Apr-66 | Oblique Incidence of an Electromagnetic Wave on Plasma-Half Space | Weston |
RL-348 | Apr-66 | Diffraction of a creeping wave by a discontinuity in the surface impedance of a smooth body | Christianson |
RL-347 | Jan-66 | Radiation due to a dipole over a semi-infinite moving medium | Tai, Pyatt |
RL-346 | Jan-66 | The surface field measurement facility at the U of M | Liepa |
RL-345 | Apr-66 | Investigation of discontinuity in a plasma using the method of invariant imbedding | |
RL-344 | Jan-66 | The exterior Neumann problem for the 3-dimensional Helmholtz equation | Ar, Kleinman |
RL-343 | Jan-66 | On the low frequency acoustical scattering of a plane wave from a soft spindle at a nose-on incidence | Ar |
RL-342 | See RL 349 | | |
RL-341 | Dec-65 | Generalized circuits for magneto ionic media | Chu, LaRue |
RL-340 | Dec-65 | Power interference coupling between antennas on an aerospace vehicle | Lyon, Harris, Chen |
RL-339 | Dec-65 | Present views on electromagnetics | Tai |
RL-338 | Dec-65 | Scattering by arrays linked by transmission lines | Tai |
RL-337 | May-66 | Antenna spectrum signature instrumentation and data presentation techniques | Ferris, Harris |
RL-336 | Dec-65 | Broadband high gain antenna studies | Ferris |
RL-335 | Dec-65 | Radiation from a recessed slot in a coated cylinder | Uslenghi, Einarsson |
RL-334 | 1964 | On a Class of Integral Equations and Its Applications to the Theory of Linear Antennas | Castellanos |
RL-333 | Nov-65 | Scattering of short electromagnetic waves by a circular cylinder of warm enclosed plasma | Christiansen |
RL-332 | Nov-65 | Size reduction of a conical log-spiral antenna by loading with magneto-dielectric material | Hong, Rassweiler |
RL-331 | Nov-65 | The Excitation of Surface Currents on a Plasma-Immersed Cylinder by Incident Electromagnetic and Electrokinetic Waves | Miller, Edmund |
RL-330 | Nov-65 | Acoustical Scattering by Spheroids of Small Eccentricity | Uslenghi, Lauren |
RL-328 | Oct-65 | Transmitter to antenna power transfer under unmatched condition | DeHart |
RL-327 | Sep-65 | Inverse scattering and the prediction of scattered fields | Goodrich |
RL-326 | Sep-65 | Learning electricity through relativity | Tai |
RL-325 | Sep-65 | Transmission of EM waves through a dielectric panel | Plonus |
RL-324 | Aug-65 | Notes on the diffraction at a corner | Radlow |
RL-323 | Aug-65 | New Existence and uniqueness proofs for the exterior problems of the scalar (reduced wave-equation-I: the Dirichlet Problem | Ar |
RL-322 | Aug-65 | Ferrite loading effects on Helical and Spiral antennas | Lyon, Rassweiler, Chen |
RL-321 | Aug-65 | Mutual coupling of slots and horns on a modal basis | Tai, Simanyi, Harris |
RL-320 | Jul-65 | Transmission of plane waves through an anisotropic panel | Tai |
RL-319 | Jul-65 | Recent highlights in diffraction theory | Weston |
RL-318 | Jul-65 | An extension of the Fock function | Hong |
RL-317 | Jul-65 | The excitation of surface currents by electromagnetic and electrokinetic waves on a plasma immersed cylinder | Olte, Millter |
RL-316 | Jun-65 | Notes on Introduction to Antenna Theory | Tai |
RL-315 | Jun-65 | On a class of integral equations | Castellanos |
RL-314 | Jun-65 | An Inversion of the Finite Fourier Transform | Castellanos |
RL-313 | May-65 | A Solution of LaPlace’s Integral Equation | Castellanos |
RL-312 | May-65 | Radiation in moving media | Tai |
RL-311 | May-65 | Comments on the Lorentz Force | Tai |
RL-310 | Oct-65 | Definite and indefinite forms of Maxwell’s equations for moving media | Tai |
RL-309 | Apr-65 | Application of conformal mapping to scattering and diffraction problems | Hong |
RL-308 | Apr-65 | On Cauchy’s problem for the heat equation with applications to the determination of free boundaries | Ruehr |
RL-307 | Apr-65 | A surface field measurement facility | Knott, Liepa, Senior |
RL-306 | Apr-65 | A comparison between tube-shaped and solid cylinder antennas | Einarsson |
RL-305 | Mar-65 | Introduction to Radar Cross Section Measurements | Hiatt, Blacksmith |
RL-304 | Mar-65 | Surface current excitation on plasma immersed cylinder by incident EM and electrokinetic waves | Miller |
RL-303 | Mar-65 | The scattering from acoustically hard and soft prolate spheroids for axial incidence | Senior |
RL-302 | Mar-65 | Reflection and refraction of a plane electromagnetic wave at the boundary of a semi-infinite moving medium | Tai |
RL-301 | Mar-65 | Low frequency solution of electromagnetic scattering problems | Kleinman |
RL-300 | Mar-65 | The radiation pattern of electric line current enclosed by an axially slotted plasma sheath | Olte |
RL-299 | 1965 | The atmospheric pressure pulse generated by a nuclear explosion | VanHulsteyn |
RL-298 | Feb-65 | Spectrum signature modeling and data reduction techniques applicable to airborne antennas | Ferris, Harris, Wolford |
RL-297 | Feb-65 | On the synthesis problem for an infinite cylinder with an axial slot | Einarson, Sleator |
RL-296 | Feb-65 | A Survey of analytical techniques for cross section estimation | Senior |
RL-295 | Feb-65 | Application of Conformal Mapping to Scattering and Diffraction Problems | Hong, Goodrich |
RL-294 | Jan-65 | The backscattering radar cross section of long thin dielectric bodies of revolution on a metal plane | Uslenghi |
RL-292 | Jan-65 | Radiation of electric line current through axially slotted plasma sheath | Olte |
RL-291 | Jan-65 | Excitation of electroacoustic waves by an inhomogeneously sheathed spherical radiator | Larson |
RL-290 | Dec-64 | The Rayleigh region | Kleinman |
RL-289 | Dec-64 | Two boundary value problems involving moving media | Tai |
RL-288 | See RL-298 | – | |
RL-287 | Dec-64 | Teaching electrodynamics without magnetism | Tai |
RL-286 | Nov-64 | Modification of the scattering behavior of a sphere by reactive loading | Liepa, Senior |
RL-285 | Nov-64 | Intersystem interference coupling levels of antennas on aerospace vehicles | Kalafus, Harris, Lyon |
RL-284 | Oct-64 | Slots in dielectrically loaded waveguide | Larson, Powers |
RL-283 | Oct-64 | Huygen’s principle in a moving isotropic homogeneous and linear medium | Tai |
RL-282 | Oct-64 | Ferrite loaded antennas for aerospace applications | Lyon, Adams |
RL-281 | Oct-64 | On the impedance of a finite slot | Plonus |
RL-280 | Oct-64 | Radiation of an elementary cylinder antenna through a slotted enclosure | Olte |
RL-279 | Oct-64 | The Dyadic Green’s function for a moving isotropic medium | Tai |
RL-278 | Sep-64 | Electrodynamics of moving anisotropic media: The first order theory | Tai |
RL-277 | Sep-64 | Diffraction of a dipole field by a conical ring | Uslenghi |
RL-276 | Aug-64 | Control of the acoustic scattering characteristics of a rigid sphere by surface loading | Senior |
RL-275 | Sep-64 | A singular integral equation approach to EM fields for circular boundaries with slots | Hayashi |
RL-274 | Aug-64 | On a class of integral equations | Castellanos |
RL-273 | Aug-64 | Designing foamed-plastic target supports | Plonus, Senior |
RL-272 | Aug-64 | Interference coupling factors for pairs of antennas | Lyon, Simanyi, Heath |
RL-271 | Aug-64 | Broadband Antennas Utilizing Ferrets. Lyon | Herman, Rhee |
RL-270 | Jul-64 | Low Frequency Scattering by a Prolate Spheroid | Kleinman, Asvestas |
RL-269 | Jul-64 | A Study of Dielectric Lenses | |
RL-268 | See RL-284 | – | |
RL-267 | Jul-64 | Modifications of theories on the excitations of electracoustic waves | Larson |
RL-266 | Jul-64 | The Dirichlet Problem for the Helmholtz equation | Kleinman |
RL-265 | Jun-64 | A note on dielectric lenses | Uslenghi |
RL-264 | May-64 | On some theorems of Atkinson | Kleinman |
RL-263 | May-64 | Reactive loading of arbitrarily illuminated cylinders to minimize microwave backscatter | Chen |
RL-262 | May-64 | High frequency backscattering from a coated sphere | Uslenghi |
RL-261 | May-64 | Electromagnetic Field in a Domain Bounded by Coaxial Circular Cylinders with Slots | Hayashi |
RL-260 | May-64 | On some singular integral equations | Hayashi |
RL-259 | Mar-65 | The Back Scattering Cross Section of a Cone-Sphere | Senior |
RL-258 | Mar-64 | A Neumann series for the Helmholtz equation | Kleinman |
RL-257 | Mar-64 | Minimization of backscattering of a cylinder by double loading | Chen |
RL-256 | Nov-64 | Nonuniformly spaced linear arrays of unequal width elements | Larson, Ferris |
RL-255 | Feb-64 | Single Components Hertz vectors | Kleinman |
RL-254 | Feb-64 | Application of conformal mapping to radiation and diffraction of EM waves | Hong |
RL-253 | Feb-64 | High frequency scattering from a coated cylinder | Uslenghi |
RL-252 | Feb-64 | Application of Surface Field Measurements to Radar Cross Section Studies | Senior |
RL-251 | Feb-64 | Reduction of RCS of a cylinder by reactive loading | Chen |
RL-250 | Jan-64 | FM effect on the radiation pattern of high gain antenna arrays | Chen |
RL-249 | Dec-63 | Surface roughness and tolerances in model scattering experiments | Senior |
RL-248 | Dec-63 | Target Recognition and Discrimination | Goodrich |
RL-247 | Dec-63 | The indoor scattering range | Knott |
RL-246 | Nov-63 | The Atmospheric Pressure Wave Generated by a Nuclear Explosion | VanHulsteyn |
RL-245 | Nov-63 | The near field of a styrofoam cylinder | Senior, Knott |
RL-244 | Nov-63 | Estimates of the volume return for styrofoam | Senior, Knott |
RL-243 | Oct-63 | Iterative solutions of the scalar wave equation | Kleinman |
RL-242 | Oct-63 | Future research on applications of plasmas in microwave engineering | Olte |
RL-241 | Jul-63 | Theoretical scattering from plastic forms | Plonus |
RL-240 | Jan-64 | The radiation field produces by an infinite slot in an infinite cylinder surrounded by a homogeneous plasma sheath | Sengupta |
RL-239 | Jan-63 | Notes for talk on plasmas and antennas given at Wright Field | Larson |
RL-238 | Jun-64 | Propagation of mechanical disturbances in a stratified lossy media | Chu,LaRue |
RL-237 | Sep-64 | The induced current on a cylinder with a central radius loading | Chen, Liepa |
RL-236 | Jul-63 | Interaction of a radiation source with a plasma – effect of an electroacoustic wave | Chen |
RL-235 | May-63 | Refractive indices of aqueous glycine solutions at 2.5 | Sandus, Lubitz |
RL-234 | – | A mathematical model of the target signature problem | Rabson |
RL-233 | Feb-63 | Generalized pulses and target signatures | Goodrich |
RL-232 | Jan-63 | The input impedance and the radiation pattern for an HF antenna on the POGO Satellite | |
RL-231 | Dec-62 | Electron cyclotron resonance isolator | |
RL-230 | Aug-62 | Diffraction by a thin elliptic cylinder | Goodrich, Kazarinoff |
RL-229 | Sep-62 | The effect of fins on the nose-on cross section of a cone sphere | Senior, Knott |
RL-228 | Sep-62 | Scattering by a Sphere | Senior, Goodrich |
RL-227 | Oct-62 | Wave propagation in a coaxial glow discharge | Miller, Olte |
RL-226 | Aug-62 | Lunar exploration Conference | Senior |
RL-225 | Jun-62 | Plane Wave diffraction by a strip | Kleinman |
RL-224 | Jul-61 | Radar echo from ionized wakes behind hypersonic blunt bodies | Weil |
RL-223 | May-62 | The upper boundary condition for atmospheric gravity waves | Hocking |
RL-222 | Jun-62 | Low Frequency expansions for scattering by separable and non-separable bodies | Senior, Darling |
RL-221 | Apr-62 | A Failure of Creeping Wave Theory | Kazarinoff, Senior |
RL-220 | Jun-62 | Scalar Diffraction by an Oblate Spheroid | Kazarinoff, Weston, Goodrich |
RL-219 | Apr-62 | Kinetic equations for plasmas | Osborn |
RL-218 | 1963 | Scattering of a plane scalar wave by fundamental surfaces with mixed boundary conditions | Unz, Sleator |
RL-217 | Mar-62 | Plasm imbedded antenna characteristics | Larson |
RL-216 | Mar-62 | Bremsstrahlung of slow electrons in neutral gases and free-free absorption | Akcasu, Barasch |
RL-215 | Jun-62 | Wake of a Charged Prolate Spheroid at Angle of Attack in a Rarefied Plasma | Sawchuk |
RL-214 | Jun-62 | Evolution of an inhomogeneous rarefied plasma and associated high frequency EM radiation | Ritt |
RL-213 | Jan-62 | A Lunar Theory Reasserted | Senior |
RL-212 | Dec-61 | Two Dimensional Diffraction in Homogeneous Anisotropic Media | Samaddar |
RL-211 | Jun-62 | Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with a Plasma Surrounding an Infinitely Conducting Wedge | Shah |
RL-210 | 1962 | Scalar diffraction by elliptic cylinders and prolate spheroids whose eccentricities are almost one | Goodrich, Kazarinoff, Ritt |
RL-209 | 1962 | Loop Excitation of Traveling Waves | Senior |
RL-208 | Oct-71 | Radio characteristics of lunar surface material(note: date may be incorrect) | Siegel |
RL-207 | Oct-61 | The static potential attained by an infinite cylinder immersed in a moving and low density plasma of infinite extent | Sengupta |
RL-206 | Oct-61 | Comments on electrodelese measurements of semiconductor resistivity at microwave frequencies | Sandus |
RL-205 | Sep-61 | Interaction of High intensity EM field with a low density plasma | Chen |
RL-204 | Sep-61 | Coaxial Low Density Plasma Experiment | Olte, King, Miller |
RL-203 | Sep-61 | Unified Theory of the Nonlinear Oscillations of a Cold Plasma | Dolph |
RL-202 | – | Generalized Magnetohydrodynamic Equations for Plasma Systems with Large Internal Currents | |
RL-201 | Aug-61 | A Note on Impedance Boundary Conditions | Senior |
RL-200 | Nov-61 | Relativistic Transport Equations for Plasmas | |
RL-199 | Aug-61 | Oscillations in a Relativistic Plasma | Imre |
RL-198 | Aug-61 | Sandwich-Wire Antenna | Chen |
RL-197 | Aug-61 | Photon transport in dispersive media. | Klevans |
RL-196 | Jul-61 | Particle and photon transport theory. | Osborn |
RL-195 | Jul-61 | Atmospheric waves produced by a large explosion in the atmosphere | Weston |
RL-194 | Jul-61 | Diffraction of a plane wave by a perfectly conducting sphere with a concentric shell | Plonus |
RL-193 | – | The pressure pulse produced by a large explosion in the atmosphere-II | Weston |
RL-192 | May-61 | Nonlinear electrical conductivity of a fully ionized gas | Chen |
RL-191 | May-61 | Utilization of the superconductive energy gap for the generation of infrared radiation | Gold |
RL-190 | May-61 | Electrical conductivity of a partially ionized gas | Sengupta |
RL-189 | May-61 | Gravity and acoustical waves | Weston |
RL-188 | May-61 | Electromagnetic radiation from a cylindrically capped bi-wedge | |
RL-187 | – | Slow wave propagation along the boundary of two coaxially anisotropic media | Samaddar |
RL-186 | May-61 | Natural resonances of magneto-ionic plasmas | Gold |
RL-185 | May-61 | Plasma model view of size effects in superconductors | Gold |
RL-184 | Apr-61 | Relativistic thermodynamics of irreversible processes in one component fluid in the presence of electromagnetic fields | Meixner |
RL-183 | Apr-61 | Penetration depth of an electromagnetic wave (skin effect) in a plasma | Gold |
RL-182 | See RL-205 | | |
RL-181 | Apr-61 | Theory and Design of Coaxial Supporting Bead Mode of Composite Dielectrics | Owyang |
RL-180 | Apr-61 | Fabrication of Superconductive components and particular application to electromagnetics | Gold |
RL-179 | Apr-61 | The Quasi-static radar cross sections of complex bodies | Siegel |
RL-178 | Apr-61 | Radar cross sections of ICBM’s and space vehicles and design of complementary electromagnetic decoys | Siegel |
RL-177 | Mar-61 | Nonlinear theory of optical absorption in metals and semiconductors | Gold |
RL-176 | Jun-61 | Investigating the ionospheres of other planets | Siegel |
RL-175 | Mar-61 | Summary of methods and results of estimation of the physical constants of the lunar surface | Siegel |
RL-174 | Mar-61 | Nonlinear wave motion in a plasma-Application to Ionospheric Propagation | Gold |
RL-173 | Mar-61 | Cross modulation line profiles in a cyclotron resonance experiments | Gold |
RL-172 | Feb-61 | Disturbance due to a satellite in a plasma medium and its effect on radar return | Chen |
RL-171 | Feb-61 | Characteristics of the Moon’s surface layer. An analysis of its radio emission | Giraud |
RL-170 | Apr-61 | Nonlinear oscillations in a cold plasma (Unified theory of the nonlinear oscillations of a cold plasma) | |
RL-169 | Feb-61 | Nature of Carrier Density Effect in the Field-dependent mobility of many-valley semiconductors | Gold |
RL-167 | Feb-61 | Hot Electron Behavior at High Pressures | Gold |
RL-166 | Feb-61 | Some Physical Constants of the Lunar Surface as Indicated by its Radar Scattering and Thermal Emission Properties. | Senior, Siegel, Giraud |
RL-165 | Feb-61 | Electromagnetic Parameters of Selected Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Rocks and Glasses | Fensler, Knott, Olte, Siegel, Ahrends, Dunn, Gerhard, Katz, Rosenholtz |
RL-164 | Feb-61 | THESIS, A Study of Biconical Antennas | Plonus |
RL-163 | Feb-61 | The Future of Antennas | Adcock, Siegel, Hiatt |
RL-162 | Mar-61 | Disturbance Due to a Satellite in a Plasma Medium and its Effect on Radar Return | Chen |
RL-161 | Jan-61 | Effect of winds on the gravity wave | Weston, VanHulsteyn |
RL-160 | Feb-61 | Determination of thermodynamic and electromagnetic constants of the surface of the moon | Siegel |
RL-159 | – | The pressure pulse produced by a large explosion in the atmosphere | Weston |
RL-158 | May-61 | Relativistic nonlinear theory of plasma oscillations | Gold |
RL-157 | Jan-61 | Composition of the Moon’s Surface | Fensler |
RL-156 | (incomplete) | On the origin of the Venus Microwave Emission | Siegel |
RL-155 | Jan-61 | The plasma sheath on a plane boundary | Chen |
RL-154 | Mar-61 | On the Faraday effect in many-valley semiconductors | Gold |
RL-153 | 1960 | Comparison between theoretical and experimental radar cross section of aircraft | Siegel |
RL-152 | see RL-166 | | |
RL-146 | Nov-60 | On the natural resonance of a multi-species magnetoionic plasma | Gold |
RL-144 | – | Hot electron non-equilibrium carrier distribution in a many-valley semiconductor | |
RL-143 | Nov-61 | Photon Transport Theory | Klevans, Osborn |
RL-141 | Sep-61 | Critical Frequencies in the Stagnation Region in Shock Layer | Leite, Hawk |
RL-140 | Sep-60 | Current state of the art of countermeasures | Siegel |
RL-139 | Aug-60 | The Resonance Region | Siegel |
RL-138 | Aug-60 | Backscattering from a conducting cylinder with a surrounding shell | Plonus |
RL-137 | Aug-60 | Near zone Backscattering from Large Sphere | Weston |
RL-136 | Aug-60 | An Introduction to Nonlinear Modeling | Belyea |
RL-135 | Aug-60 | A Note on Hansen’s Vector Wave Functions | Senior |
RL-134 | Jul-60 | Scalar diffraction by a prolate spheroid at low frequencies | Senior |
RL-133 | Jul-60 | An analysis of the thermal radio emission from the moon | Giraud |
RL-132 | Jul-60 | Maximum likelihood estimation for generalized power series distribution and its application to truncated binomial distribution | Patil |
RL-131 | Jul-60 | A note on the identity between binomial distribution functions and incomplete beta functions | Patil |
RL-130 | Jul-60 | State of the Knowledge of the ICBM Midcrouse detection and discrimination | Siegel |
RL-129 | Jul-60 | Optical cross correlator applications to radar | |
RL-128 | Jun-60 | Lenses for warheads decoys and intelligence missions | Siegel |
RL-127 | Jun-60 | Five minute talk on optimum lenses for warheads and decoys | Siegel |
RL-126 | Jun-60 | Reflecting properties of ionized regions | Siegel |
RL-124 | Jun-60 | Study of surface and growing waves along a plasma column in a cylindrical waveguide with excitation by a magneic ring current | Samaddar |
RL-123 | Jun-60 | Radiation patterns produced by linear array of half wave dipoles coupled electromagnetically to a two-wire Transmission Line | Sengupta |
RL-122 | Jun-60 | On the evaluation of negative binomial distribution function and its application to single-sample attributes | Patil |
RL-121 | May-60 | Impedance boundary conditions for statistically rough surfaces | Senior |
RL-120 | May-60 | Comments on Lunar Theory and Experiments | Senior, Siegel |
RL-119 | May-60 | Some remarks on the paper of Bazer and Brown “Diffraction of Scalar Waves by a Circular Aperture.” | Heins |
RL-118 | May-60 | Dielectric Relaxation of Aqueous Glycine Solutions at 3.2 Centimeter Wavelengths | Sandus, Lubitz |
RL-117 | Sep-60 | On Microwave Bremsstrahlung from a Cool Plasma | Barasch |
RL-116 | (1955?) | Uniqueness of a Solution of Electromagnetic Scattering by a Paraboloid | Leichter |
RL-115 | Jul-55 | The Relationship Between the Reciprocity Theorems of Onsager and Callen-Green | Kaplan |
RL-114 | Nov-54 | Effect of Fuctuations in Phase and Amplitude on Integrated Signal | Kaplan |
RL-113 | Sep-60 | Impedance Boundary Conditions for Imperfectly Conducting Surfaces | Senior |
RL-112 | Apr-60 | Scattering Pattern of a Spherical Satellite | Weil |
RL-110 | Apr-60 | On the Analytic Continuation of Functions Which Map the Upper Half Plane into Itself | Greenstein |
RL-109 | – | Distinction Between the Electromagnetic Constants of Tektites and Libyan Desert Glass and their Effect on Lunar Surface Theory | Olte, Siegel |
RL-108 | Mar-60 | A Note on the theory of Modeling | Ritt |
RL-107 | Sep-60 | What can be Learned by Radar About Venus and its Environment | Siegel |
RL-105 | Jan-60 | On the Structure of the Linearized Equations Governing a Streaming Electron-Ion Gas | Dolph |
RL-104 | Jan-60 | Scalar Diffraction by Elliptic Cylinders or Prolate Spheroids Whose Eccentricities are Almost One | Goodrich, Kazarinoff, Ritt |
RL-103 | Jun-60 | Limit Criteria for Reduction of Radar Cross Sections of Missiles | Siegel, Weil |
RL-102 | Jun-60 | The Effect of Surface Roughness | Hiatt, Senior, Weston |
RL-101 | Jun-60 | Scattering Matrix Analysis of an IRBM | Crispin, Hiatt |
RL-100 | Jan-60 | Research Effort on Passive Microwave Radiation and Scattering Matrices | Siegel |
RL-099 | 1960 | Theory of Radar Scattering by the Moon | Senior, Siegel |
RL-098 | Nov-59 | Saving Dollars by Nonlinear Modeling. | Siegel |
RL-097 | Oct-59 | Generalized Power Series Distribution and Certain Characterization Theorems | Patil |
RL-096 | Nov-59 | An Approximation to the Plasma Density Near a Spherical Satellite | Dolph |
RL-095 | Feb-60 | Ineffectiveness of Absorbing Coatings on Conducting Objects Illuminated by Long Wavelengths | Hiatt, Siegel, Weil |
RL-094 | Feb-60 | Forward Scattering by Coated Objects Illuminated by Short Wavelength Radar | Hiatt, Siegel, Weil |
RL-092 | Dec-59 | On the Change in the Radar Cross Section of a Spherical Satellite Caused by a Plasma Sheath | Dolph, Weil |
RL-091 | Aug-59 | Nonlinear Modeling of Maxwell’s Equations | Belyea, Siegel |
RL-090 | Aug-59 | The Radar Cross Section of a Semi Infinite Body | Brysk |
RL-087 | Jul-59 | On Toroidal Wave Functions | Weston |
RL-086 | Jun-59 | Fock Theory | Goodrich |
RL-085 | Jun-59 | Scalar Diffraction by an Elliptic Cylinder | Ritt, Kazarinoff |
RL-084 | Jun-59 | Infinite Integral Transforms in Diffraction Theory | Clemmow |
RL-083 | Jun-59 | Electromagnetic Scattering by High Density Meteor Trails | Brysk |
RL-082 | Jun-59 | Status Report on the Development of a RAM Using Polar Materials | Sandus, Goberdhan, Lubitz |
RL-081 | Jun-59 | Pulse Return from a Sphere | Weston |
RL-080 | May-59 | Transport of Noise at Microwave Frequencies through a Space-Charge-Limited Diode | Vivian |
RL-079 | Apr-59 | CRAM (Counters to RAM) | Hiatt, Siegel, Weil |
RL-078 | May-59 | What Radar can do for you | Siegel, Senior, Burdick |
RL-077 | 1959 | Comments on Far Field Scattering from Bodies of Revolution | Siegel |
RL-076 | May-59 | Diffraction and Scattering | Felsen, Siegel |
RL-075 | Feb-59 | Outline of Basic Problems and Approach Toward Solution of Countermeasures Against Radar Absorbing Materials | |
RL-074 | Apr-59 | Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Corrugated Sheet | Senior |
RL-073 | Apr-59 | Exploring the Depth of the Surface Layer of the Moon from a Radar Space Observatory | Fensler, Senior, Siegel |
RL-072 | May-59 | The Nose-on Radar Cross Sections of Finite Cones | Brysk, Hiatt, Weston, Siegel |
RL-071 | Nov-58 | A Possible Theoretical Explanation of Observed Signals | Siegel, Barasch |
RL-070 | Sep-58 | Diffraction by an Imperfectly Conducting Wedge | Senior |
RL-069 | Jan-59 | Exploring the Depth of Surface Layers of the Moon and Planets by a Radar Space Observatory | |
RL-068 | Jul-58 | Influence of Radar Reflection Characteristics of the Moon on the Specifications for Earth-Moon-Earth Communication Systems | Senior, Siegel, Weil |
RL-067 | Jun-58 | Variational Solution to the Problem of Scalar Scattering by a Prolate Spheroid | Sleator |
RL-066 | Jun-58 | Generalization of the Dolph-Chebychev Method | Schensted |
RL-065 | May-58 | RCS of a Ballistic Missile-II. (MASTER DESTROYED) | |
RL-064J | May-58 | RCS of a Ballistic Missile-I. (MASTER DESTROYED) | |
RL-064 | Aug-58 | Reflection Characteristics of the Moon | Senior, Siegel |
RL-063 | May-58 | The Currents on Strip Aerials | Senior |
RL-062 | May-58 | Microwave Absorption by Dipole Relaxation | Lubitz |
RL-061 | Apr-58 | Electromagnetic Scattering by Low Density Meteor Trails | Brysk |
RL-060 | Apr-58 | Radiation from Slot Arrays on Cones | Goodrich, Kleinman, Maffett, Schensted, Siegel |
RL-059 | | | |
RL-058 | Mar-58 | The Radar Reflection Characteristics of the Moon | Senior, Siegel |
RL-057 | Mar-58 | Radiation Characteristics of Slot Arrays on Conical Surfaces | Goodrich, Kleinman, Maffett, Schensted, Siegel |
RL-056 | Jun-58 | Radio Fades and Reflection from the Moon | Siegel |
RL-055 | Mar-58 | Integral Nose Cone Antennas | Chernin, Shanks, Plummer, Goodrich, Kleinman, Maffett, Schensted, Siegel |
RL-054 | 1958 | Radiation Characteristics of Slot Arrays on Conical Surfaces | Goodrich, Kleinman, Maffett, Schensted, Siegel, Chernin, Shanks, Plummer |
RL-053 | Apr-58 | Forward Scattering | Raybin, Senior |
RL-052 | Apr-58 | Diffraction by an Imperfect Conducting Wedge | Senior |
RL-051 | Apr-58 | Fock Theory applied to an Infinite Cone | Goodrich |
RL-050 | Apr-58 | Generalization of the Dolph-Techebyscheff Method | Schensted |
RL-049 | May-58 | Measurement of Scattering Matrix with an Intervening Ionosphere | Brysk |
RL-048 | May-58 | Increasing the effective dynamic range of a radar | Siegel |
RL-047 | Jun-56 | Vulnerability of President ICBM Systems to Sand | Siegel |
RL-046 | Dec-57 | Reflection Characteristics of the Moon | Senior,Siegel |
RL-045 | May-58 | Bistatic radars and forward scattering | Siegel |
RL-044 | Oct-57 | Radiation and Scattering from Simple Shapes-II | Goodrich, Maffett, Reighlinger, Schensted, Siegel |
RL-043 | Oct-57 | Radiation and Scattering from Simple Shapes — I | Goodrich, Maffett, Reighlinger, Schensted, Siegel |