Andrew DeOrio voted 2023 HKN Professor of the Year in CSE

Dr. Andrew DeOrio has been named 2023 HKN Professor of the Year in CSE by the Beta-Epsilon chapter of Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), the national honor society for electrical and computer engineers.
The HKN Professor of the Year Award is awarded based on popular vote by all undergraduate and graduate students in programs administered by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The voting was administered by HKN leadership, and two faculty are selected each year, one in the CSE Division, and one in the ECE Division.
“I’m honored to be selected, said DeOrio. “ The HKN award is very special to me because it is selected by students. I care about my students and about their learning.”
This past year, DeOrio taught Programming and Intro to Data Structures (EECS 280), the third largest course at U-M, and Web Systems (EECS 485).
DeOrio is the inaugural director of the CSE Teaching Laboratory, which was established in 2022 to create a faculty community around the division’s teaching mission, reflecting the department’s values of supporting students through a world class education. Regarding the establishment of the lab, DeOrio has emphasized the importance of structural practices in the implementation of educational methods within the division, saying, “CSE values education and cares about our students, and this is an update to our organizational structure to reflect those values.”
DeOrio is active in research on the subject of education and student success, and has published over a dozen research papers in this realm since 2016.
After completing his PhD studies in CSE at the University of Michigan, DeOrio joined CSE as a teaching faculty in January 2012 and in his first year taught over 1500 students in EECS 280, 281, and as an assistant in 381, winning the Yahoo! Teaching Award and the College of Engineering Towner Prize in the process.
He has continued to gain accolades for his excellence in instruction, and was chosen by the College of Engineering to receive the Thomas M. Sawyer, Jr. Teaching Award in 2014, and by the University with the Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize in 2017. The EECS Department recognized his excellence in 2022 with an Outstanding Achievement Award. DeOrio has twice previously been selected by the students as HKN Professor of the Year, in 2013 and in 2018.